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Yokohama Ribin: Method of calculating income

Last updated on October 1, 2020.

Calculation method of income (household monthly income)

Income (household monthly income) can be calculated by the "Household monthly income calculation program (outside site)".
If you have changed jobs after January 2, last year, the calculation method will be different.
Please refer to management company of article or Housing Policy Division.

Income Calculation Quick Reference Table (only the total amount of salary paid)

The following table is a quick reference table of the income that can be applied (total salary payment) if only one of the households is receiving salary.

Income Calculation Sheet
TypeHousehold income

Number of people

2-person household3-person household4-person household5-person household6-person household


200,000 yen

322,000 yen

General Branch
Amount paid

4,152,000 yen

5,983,999 yen

4,628,000 yen

6,455,999 yen

5,100,000 yen

6,893,334 yen

5,576,000 yen

7,315,556 yen

6,052,000 yen

7,737,778 yen


322,001 yen

445,000 yen

5,984,000 yen

7,688,889 yen

6,456,000 yen

8,111,112 yen

6,893,335 yen

8,533,334 yen

7,315,557 yen

8,955,556 yen

7,737,779 yen

9,377,778 yen


445,001 yen

601,000 yen

7,688,890 yen

9,768,889 yen

8,111,113 yen

10,181,053 yen

8,533,335 yen

10,581,053 yen

8,955,557 yen

10,981,053 yen

9,377,779 yen

11,381,053 yen

Inquiries to this page

Housing Policy Division, Building Bureau Housing Department

Phone: 045-671-4121

Phone: 045-671-4121

Fax: 045-641-2756

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 756-560-525


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