

The text is from here.


Last updated on December 19, 2023.

This is the page for frequently asked questions.

My animal has gone missing

Lost pets can be protected in various places. Please contact the following organizations as soon as possible.
Until your pet returns home, contact us about once every two or three days.
Also, look around your home by yourself. Post leaflets on local bulletin boards after obtaining permission from Neighborhood Associations, etc.
Please search as much as possible, such as with the help of your neighbors.

1 Related organizations in the city
(1) Health Sanitation Division, the ward office where you live and your neighborhood
(2) Nearest police department
(3) A veterinary clinic near you
(4) Animal Protection Center
2 Related organizations outside the city
(1) Kanagawa Animal Protection Center (outside site) (telephone 0463-58-3411)
(2) Kawasaki City Animal Protection Center (outside site) (telephone 044-589-7137)
(3) Yokosuka City Animal Protection Center (outside site) (telephone 046-869-0040)
(4) Tokyo Metropolitan Animal Protection Consultation Center (outside site) (Tama branch telephone 042-581-7435)

Procedures for moving (when a registered dog has moved into the city or moved out of the city)

(1) When you move into the city
   Please bring your old location dog's license tag and notify your ward office Health Sanitation Division.
   We will exchange it for free with dog's license tag in Yokohama. If you do not have a dog's license tag, you will be re-issued (1,600 yen fee).
(2) When moving out of the city
   No procedures are required in Yokohama City.
   With dog's license tag of Yokohama, please report to jurisdiction section of municipalities where you live newly.
For more information, please refer to the "Dog Registration and rabies vaccination Procedures" page.

When a pet is dead (dying)

(1) If the dog dies, notify the ward office Health Sanitation Division where the dog is registered, or use the electronic application system to delete the registration. Please refer to the “Registration of Dogs and Procedures for rabies vaccination” page for notification using the electronic application system.
  Also, Totsuka Saijo (telephone 045-864-7001) accepts cremation of pets. For more information, please contact us.
(2) If you have a dead dog or cat on the street, please contact the Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau office in your district.

I want to donate food and pet supplies

Thank you very much, but we do not accept donations.
Some animal welfare organizations that have registered at the Yokohama Animal Protection Center and have been cooperating with the transfer have requested donations.
Sorry to trouble you, but if you like, please refer to the list of registered organizations from the "If you want to transfer from registered organizations" page and contact each organization directly.

I can no longer keep my dog or cat

Animal owners must strive to keep them for life.
If you are unable to keep animals due to unavoidable circumstances and cannot find a transfer destination, please consult with your ward office Health Sanitation Division.
For more information, please refer to the page "If you can no longer keep a dog or cat."

When a dog bites a person

If your dog bites a person, you must notify the ward office Health Sanitation Division by the day after you know the fact. For more information, please contact your local ward office, Health Sanitation Division.
Also, the owner of a bite dog must have the dog examined by veterinarian within two days for rabies.

When importing dogs, cats, etc. from overseas or exporting them overseas

When importing dogs, cats, monkeys, foxes, raccoons, skunks, etc. from abroad, prior notification (up to 40 days before import), inspection certificate issued by the exporting country, and import quarantine in Japan are required .
When exporting, quarantine is performed according to the conditions of the export destination. For more information, please contact the Animal Quarantine Station (outside site).
Also, if you want to take a registered dog overseas, please go to the ward office Health Sanitation Division where the dog is registered to cancel the dog registration.

There is a dog that is released

Please contact the ward office Health Sanitation Division in the ward where the dog is released.

Dogs, cats, etc. whose owner does not know are injured.

Please contact the ward office Health Sanitation Division in the ward where injured dogs and cats are located.
In the case of closing (Saturday, Sundays, holidays, New Year's holidays), please contact the Yokohama Call Center.

Monkeys are wandering around the city

Wild Japanese macaque, which is away from the Tanzawa area, may appear in the city, but it is dangerous if you get excited, so be quiet.
If you are in danger, please contact the police.
Also, if a monkey that seems to have been kept has escaped, please contact the ward office Health Sanitation Division or Animal Protection Center.
For inquiries regarding wild birds and beasts such as Raccoon Dog, hakubushiin, doves, and crows, please check the website of Green Environment Bureau or Kanagawa Prefectural Environmental Agricultural Administration Bureau (outside site).

I'm having trouble with the urine of a cat without an owner

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Inquiries to this page

Animal Protection Center, Medical Care Bureau Health and Safety Department

Phone: 045-471-2111

Phone: 045-471-2111

Fax: 045-471-2133

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 988-503-746


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