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- Registration of dogs and procedures for rabies vaccination
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Registration of dogs and procedures for rabies vaccination
Last updated on March 12, 2025.
Procedures such as registration of dogs using the Yokohama City Electronic Application and Notification System are now possible.
User registration is necessary for the use of Yokohama-shi electronic application, report system (outside site). After registration, please complete the procedure from each page.
During the period from Saturday, December 28, 2024 to January 5, 2025 (Sunday), the Animal Protection Center will not be able to confirm the application details and send dog's license tag etc. Please be careful.
○ Application for registration of domestic dogs (outside site)(※1)
○ Notification of change in registration items of domestic dogs (outside site)(※2)
○ Notification of death of domestic dogs (outside site)(※2)
※1 Dogs with microchip at least 91 days old may be registered with local governments other than Yokohama City.
If you do not know if you have registered, please contact the Yokohama Animal Protection Center.
※2 The dog's dog's license tag number is required for notification of change and death. Please bring your documents with your dog's license tag or dog's license tag number.
What is rabies?
Rabies is transmitted to humans by being bitten by animals such as dogs, cats, foxes, and bats infected with the rabies virus. When infected with the virus, after an incubation period of two weeks or more, neurological symptoms such as convulsions, mania, paralysis, and coma are present, and once it occurs, almost 100% death occurs.
There is no cure, so if you are bitten by a rabies animal, you must be vaccinated during the incubation period to prevent the onset.
Rabies is not currently occurring in Japan, but occurs in many countries overseas, including Asia, and more than 40,000 to 50,000 people die each year worldwide. Rabies is no wonder at any time invading Japan with active exchanges with overseas.
Vaccinations are essential to prevent the occurrence of rabies. If a dog bites a person, it must be delivered to Health Sanitation Division, Health and Welfare Center, in your ward, by the day after it becomes known, and within two days, have the dog examined by veterinarian to check for rabies.
For more information about rabies, please refer to the website of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (external site).
Registration of dogs and procedures for rabies vaccination
Dog owners are required to register their dogs and inoculate rabies vaccination under the Rabies Prevention Act.
Registration of dogs
You must register within 30 days of starting your dog (90 days to 30 days after birth if you are within 90 days old).
(1) If you have started keeping a dog in Yokohama, please apply for registration and receive a dog dog's license tag.
(2) The registration fee for dogs is 3,000 yen. Be sure to attach the dog dog's license tag to the dog's collar, etc.
(3) If you are wearing a microchip, you need a microchip number.
※If you have already registered the information in the Ministry of the Environment database, please bring your registration certificate.
Procedures for granting the dog dog's license tag
(1) Health and Welfare Center Health Sanitation Division
(2) Yokohama-shi electronic application, report system (outside site)
(3) Animal hospital commissioned by Yokohama City
List of veterinary hospitals that can receive a vote of dog's license tag rabies vaccination dogs in Yokohama (FY2024) (PDF: 144KB) (until March 31)
List of veterinary hospitals that can receive a vote of dog's license tag rabies vaccination dogs in Yokohama (FY2025) (PDF: 148KB) (From April 1)
※Dogs with microchip at least 91 days old may be registered with local governments other than Yokohama.
As you confirm the presence or absence of registration, please refer to Yokohama-shi animal protection center.
rabies vaccination
Dog owners are required to have their dogs receive rabies vaccination once a year.
(1) Have your registered dog receive rabies vaccination once a year and receive a rabies vaccination vote.
(2) The rabies vaccination vote issuance fee is 550 yen. Be sure to attach the rabies vaccination slip to the dog's collar, etc.
(3) Every year around mid-March, we send out "rabies vaccination Notice" to registered dog owners.
When you receive the rabies vaccination, please do not separate the three copies of the “rabies vaccination Form” in the sealed letter.
※The injection fee varies from animal hospital to animal hospital.
Procedures for issuing rabies vaccination votes
(1) Health and Welfare Center Health Sanitation Division
Please bring your certificate issued by the rabies vaccination vaccination at the veterinary clinic and bring your rabies vaccination certificate.
(2) Animal hospital commissioned by Yokohama City
You can issue rabies vaccination and rabies vaccination at the same time.
List of veterinary hospitals that can receive a vote of dog's license tag rabies vaccination dogs in Yokohama (FY2024) (PDF: 144KB) (until March 31)
List of veterinary hospitals that can receive a vote of dog's license tag rabies vaccination dogs in Yokohama (FY2025) (PDF: 148KB) (From April 1)
(3) Dog registration / rabies vaccination office venue
The venue will be set up in each ward in April every year.
About proxy application for procedures related to rabies prevention
At a veterinary clinic with a notice stating, "We carry out procedures related to rabies prevention on behalf of the owner" (PDF: 296KB), on behalf of the owners, in addition to applying for registration of dogs and applying for a rabies vaccination vote, We take the necessary fees and pay them to Yokohama City.
For more information, please check the official website.
Other procedures
Procedures are required if the registered content changes or the dog dies.
About notification of change
If there are any changes in the registration items, a notification is required.
・Details of notification Change in Address due to moving between cities, change in owner due to transfer of dog in the city, change in Phone number, etc.
・Health and Welfare Center Health Sanitation Division, Yokohama City Electronic Application and Notification System
・If you know your current registration information, such as your belongings dog's license tag number, please come to the counter.
・Notification of change in dog registration items online
Procedures using Yokohama-shi electronic application, report system (outside site) are possible.
User registration is required for use. After registration, please file from registration matter change report (outside site) of domestic dog.
The notification requires the dog's license tag number of the dog and the owner information of the dog registered in Yokohama City. Please prepare a document with information such as the dog's license tag number.
If you have any questions about online notification, please contact the Yokohama Animal Protection Center by phone.
About death report
・Details of notification When a dog dies
・Health and Welfare Center Health Sanitation Division, Yokohama City Electronic Application and Notification System
・Please contact the office of your belongings.
・Notification of death of dogs online
Procedures using Yokohama-shi electronic application, report system (outside site) are possible.
User registration is required for use. After registration, please apply from the death report of your dog (outside site).
The notification requires the dog's license tag number of the dog and the owner information of the dog registered in Yokohama City. Please prepare a document with information such as the dog's license tag number.
If you have any questions about online notification, please contact the Yokohama Animal Protection Center by phone.
About procedure of transference (when we move from outside Yokohama city to Yokohama city, when we transfer dog from outside the city)
・Notification contents Transfer from outside the city
・Health and Welfare Center Health Sanitation Division
・Please bring the dog's license tag issued by the municipality where you live before, and if you know the dog registration information, please come to the counter.
※If you are wearing a microchip, you need a microchip number. If you have completed the information registration in the Ministry of the Environment database, please bring your registration certificate.
※If you have lost dog's license tag, you will be charged dog's license tag reissuance fee of 1600 yen.
About procedure of transference (when moving from Yokohama city to outside Yokohama city)
No procedures are required in Yokohama City.
・Please contact the municipal office to which you are transferred.
・Bring your belongings dog's license tag issued in Yokohama to your new location.
If you move abroad or move from abroad to Yokohama city
・Details of the notification travel overseas and return from overseas
・Please apply at the reception desk, Health and Welfare Center Health Sanitation Division.
・If you move from abroad, such as belongings, please bring a quarantine certificate.
※For dog quarantine, please contact the Animal Quarantine Station.
About reissuance of dog's license tag and rabies vaccination finished vote
・If you lose or lose your dog's license tag or rabies vaccination vote, you will need to apply for a reissue.
・Health and Welfare Center Health Sanitation Division
・If you know your current registration information, such as your belongings dog's license tag number, please come to the counter.
・Cost dog's license tag Re-issuance Fee 1,600 yen Completed Votes Re-issuance Fee 340 yen
Related Pages
Contact Health and Welfare Center Health Sanitation Division, each ward
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Inquiries to this page
Animal Protection Center, Medical Care Bureau Health and Safety Department
Phone: 045-471-2111
Phone: 045-471-2111
Fax: 045-471-2133
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 300-413-801