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Installation of microchips and information registration

Last updated on August 1, 2023.

 From June 1, 2022, the installation and registration of microchips for dogs and cats sold are required.
 General owners are obliged to wear microchips. However, if a new microchip is attached to a dog or cat bred at home, or if an individual that has already been equipped with a microchip has been transferred, the system of the designated registration organization designated by the Minister of the Environment Registration or change registration is mandatory.

About microchip

1 It is a cylindrical electronic sign device with a diameter of 2mm and a length of about 8 to 12mm.
  The interior consists of ICs, capacitors, and electrode coils, and the outside is covered with ecologically compatible glass. (There is no GPS function.)
2 Each chip has the only 15-digit number in the world, which can be read with a dedicated reader (reader).
3 It is widely used throughout the world, including Europe and the United States, as a safe and secure individual identification (identification) of animals.
  In recent years, the number of users, especially dogs and cats, has increased in Japan.
4 Putting the owner on the pet helps prevent theft and lost animals, making it easier for lost animals to return to their owners.
  In addition, raising the awareness of the owner will lead to the prevention of animal abandonment and escape. 

Ministry of the Environment's website (outside site) on microchip

About the benefits of microchip

 When a dog or cat gets lost, or is separated from the owner due to a disaster such as an earthquake or flood, theft or accident, the microchip number embedded under the skin of a protected dog or cat You can find the number by reading with a dedicated reader.
 By comparing the number with the owner's information registered in the database, you are more likely to return to the owner.

About the installation of microchip and information registration

 From June 1, 2022, general owners are obliged to wear microchips.
 However, if a new microchip is attached to a dog or cat bred at home, or if an individual already equipped with a microchip is transferred, the following is required:
 ・Register the owner Address, name, Phone number, etc. in the database of registered organizations designated by the Minister of the Environment (Japan veterinarian Association) within 30 days from the date of transfer.
 ・If there is a change in the registered information, register the change.
 ・If a registered dog or cat dies, notify us.

[To the dog owner] Please be careful~
 In Yokohama City, apart from microchip information registration, dog registration based on the Rabies Prevention Law is required.
 Please check the dog registration and rabies vaccination procedure for details on how to proceed.

About mounting microchip

 At veterinary hospitals, veterinarian embeds it under the skin using a special injection. It is done in the same way as vaccinations, and it is said that the pain at embedding is about the same as ordinary injections. Once embedded, it is less likely to fall off like a collar or name tag, and it will be an individual identification card that can be read semi-permanently.
 Dogs can be embedded from the age of 2 weeks and cats can be embedded around the age of 4 weeks. Please consult a veterinary clinic for implementation, as it varies depending on the variety and individual differences.
 veterinarian, which has microchips attached to dogs and cats, will issue a microchip attachment certificate. This microchip attachment certificate will be required when registering the owner's information in the database of the designated registration organization, so please keep it in a safe place so that you do not lose it.

About information registration of microchip

 Please apply to the designated registration organization designated by the Minister of the Environment. If there is a change in the registration information, a change registration or change notification is required, and if the registered dog or cat dies, a notification of death is required.
 When registering information, a "microchip attachment certificate" is required.
 For details on how to register, please check the website of the Microchip Information Registration System for Dogs and Cats based on the Act on the Protection and Management of Animals of the Ministry of the Environment (outside site).

What is the designated registration organization (after June 1, 2022)?

 The designated registration organization is an organization designated by the Minister of the Environment that performs microchip information registration related affairs.
 Currently, the Japan veterinarian Association is designated as a designated registration body.
 ※This is different from the microchip registration system (AIPO) implemented by the veterinarian Association of Japan as a private business.
 Homepage of designated registration organization (outside site)

Related websites, etc.

Inquiries to this page

Animal Protection Center, Medical Care Bureau Health and Safety Department

Phone: 045-471-2111

Phone: 045-471-2111

Fax: 045-471-2133

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 174-744-931


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