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Citizens' Counseling Room (3rd floor of City Hall)

Last updated on March 25, 2025.

News from citizen consultation room

As of 17:00 on Tuesday, March 25, there is no space available for legal consultation during the fiscal year (until Monday, March 31).

Consultation in the Citizens' Counseling Room

Reservations will be accepted by telephone and at the window of the Citizens' Counseling Room from 8:45 on the same day one week ago.
Night legal consultation will be accepted from the first day of the consultation month.
Reservations for both consultations will be accepted on weekdays from the next day on holidays such as weekends and holidays.
Reception hours is from 8:45 to 17:15 on weekdays. (Reception at the window is until 17:00.)
Phone: 045-671-2306
※Legal consultation and judicial scrivener consultation have rules such as the number of uses. For more information, please refer to the FAQ page.

List of Consultations

Type Date and time of implementation Consultation time Contents Counselors

Legal consultation
(Reservation required)
Monday to Thursday
Morning: Telephone only
Afternoon: Face-to-face only
Morning and afternoon: Face-to-face only

Monday to Friday

Within 25 minutes

General legal issues
※"Number of times" instead of "Project"
Up to 2 times per person during the year together with nighttime
※Both telephone consultation and face-to-face consultation are counted as one time.

※I can't choose a specialized field.

Night legal consultation
(Reservation required)
Telephone only

2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month
Within 25 minutes

General legal issues
※"Number of times" instead of "Project"
Up to 2 times per person during the year, including daytime
※Both telephone consultation and face-to-face consultation are counted as one time.

※I can't choose a specialized field.

Judicial Scrivener Consultation
(Reservation required)
Face-to-face only

Monday to Wednesday

Within 25 minutes

Inheritance, real estate registration, adult guardianship,
Debt consolidation (less than 1.4 million)
※"Number of times" instead of "Project"
Up to once per person during the fiscal year

Certified judicial scrivener

Residential land building consultation
(Reservation required)
Morning: Face-to-face only
Afternoon: Telephone only

every Monday
Within 35 minutes Real estate sales, lease contracts, etc. Member of the Housing Lots and Buildings Business Association

Human rights consultation
(Reservation required)
Face-to-face only

every Wednesday
Within 40 minutes

Human rights such as discrimination and unfair treatment
Consultation about

Committee on Human Rights

Notary consultation
(Reservation required)
Face-to-face (Phone can also be selected)

1st and 3rd Friday of every month
Within 25 minutes Wills, voluntary guardianship contracts, etc.
Notarized certificates of lease agreements
Notary public

Traffic accident consultation
(Reservation not required)
Face-to-face and telephone

Monday to Friday
Method of settlement, insurance claims, etc. Traffic accident counselors

Municipal administration general consultation
(Reservation not required)

Monday to Friday
Consultation, inquiries, etc. about municipal administration City staff

Guidance for professional consultation

We provide consultation by professional counselors such as lawyers and judicial scriveners for Yokohama citizens (not working or attending school) and consultation on municipal administration by city officials.
Consultations by professional counselors are for each expert to give general explanations according to your consultation content and refer to them when solving problems. You can get advice from experts on how to deal with problems, how to proceed, and whether you should ask an expert to solve them. We will keep the content of the consultation confidential and will not disclose it at all, so please consult with confidence.


  • We do not create documents such as contracts, answers, wills, etc., and check the contents. Please explain what you would like to talk about verbally.
  • It is not possible to ask the professional counselor in charge to solve the problem directly or ask for specific work.
  • Consultation may be refused depending on the content, such as when it violates the basic rules of lawyer duties or the provisions of judicial scrivener ethics.
  • If the duties, duties, etc. of each professional counselor are stipulated by law, consultation will be within that range.
    (A lawyer and a judicial scrivener do not know about taxes such as inheritance tax and gift tax. For tax consultation, please contact your tax accountant or tax office. Tax accountants are not available in the Citizen Consultation Office. )
  • Depending on the case of consultation, we may guide you to the responsible department rather than specialized consultation.
  • We will not be able to respond to inquiries at a later date, such as the content of your consultation.
  • If unauthorized use is found, we will cancel the appointment for consultation.

Those who need sign language interpreters or foreign language interpreters

Consultation availability

Specialized consultation during the day

As of 17:00 on March 25 (Tuesday)                       
○No space available × no space - no implementation
Date Day of the week



A judicial scrivener



A person


The public



Face-to-face Face-to-face Phone Face-to-face Face-to-face Face-to-face
March 26 Water × × ×
March 27 Tree × ×
March 28 Money ×
March 31 Month × ×
April 1 Fire × ×

Reservations for consultation are accepted from the same day of the week ago.

Night legal consultation

Night legal counseling is available on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month.  
○No space available × no space
Date Day of the week Reservation status
March 12 Water End
March 26 Water ×

Reservations for night legal counseling will be accepted from the first day of the month (first open agency date).
Night legal counseling is available only by telephone.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

Access to the Citizens' Counseling Room

Address: 3rd floor of 10 City Hall, 6-50 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama
Nearest station: JR Line Sakuragicho Station, Municipal Subway Sakuragicho Station, Minato Mirai Line Bashamichi Station

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Inquiries to this page

Yokohama City Citizen's Bureau Public Affairs Consultation Section Citizen Counseling Room

Phone: 045-671-2306

Phone: 045-671-2306

Fax: 045-663-3433 (Reservations by fax or e-mail are not made)

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 327-793-646


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