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How to replace the packing

Last updated on July 25, 2024.

Step 1

Stop the water by slowly tapping the lever of the auxiliary stopcock in the outdoor meter box in the direction of "close". (In the case of a handle type, turn it clockwise. After closing, open the faucet and make sure that the water has stopped. )

Step 2

Open the faucet fully, place the spanner over the head of the faucet and turn left.

Abalone water intake

Remove the head of the faucet.

Abalone water intake

Pinch the top with a chopsticks or tweezers and take it out.

Abalone water intake

Remove the nut on the top and replace the packing. Please tighten the nut well.

Abalone water intake

If you change the packing, you will return the top to the original.

Abalone water intake

The head of the faucet is plucked.

Abalone water intake

With the faucet handle slightly open, turn the spanner over the head of the faucet and turn it to the right to tighten it tightly.

Abalone water intake

Finally, fold the lever of the auxiliary stopcock in the meter box in the direction of "open" and return it to its original state. This will bring water.

※In recent years, faucets in each household use a lot of mixed faucets. When you change packing of mixed faucet, please ask designated water supply equipment construction company of Yokohama-shi.

Inquiries to this page

Water Works Bureau Water Supply Service Department Water Supply Maintenance Division

Phone: 045-671-3069

Phone: 045-671-3069

Fax: 045-212-1167

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 716-110-772


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