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About WEB Member Site

Last updated on May 1, 2024.


1.What can I do if I register on the website?

The Web Member Site is a free registration service for customers who use water in Yokohama City, operated by City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau.
If you become a member, please.
1.You can check the amount of water used and the water charge and sewerage usage fee at the registered place for the past two years. (If the usage is less than 2 years, the usage period will be displayed.)
2.You can apply for a credit card payment via the Internet.
For more information, please refer to the following website.

2.How to register a Web Member Site

You will need your login ID and password to use the website, so please register from the City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau website new member registration and login page (external site) (external site).
When registering, please provide your customer number (2-digit to 2-digit to 5-digit number indicated on the meter reading slip, etc.).
After registering, a sealer postcard with your login ID and password will be mailed to your billing address in about 6 days.
※Postcard arrival may be delayed to confirm your application details.
※The "customer number" is assigned to the water supply location, so it will be changed when moving.

3.I did not receive an email with the application URL of the member site.

The reasons for not receiving the email are the following possibilities.
1.Received in the spam mail folder.
  Spam folders, etc. due to filter settings for mail software and anti-virus software, provider spam countermeasures, etc.
  You may have received an email. Please check the spam folder and the trash folder.
2.You have set the domain-specific reception.
  Customers who receive domain designation by email settings on their smartphone or mobile phone are sent from the WEB member website.
  Please make settings so that you can receive the domain of the following email address.
  ※A domain means "@" below the email address.
  For details, please refer to the website of each company.
3.You have refused to receive emails containing URLs.
  If the body is set not to receive emails containing URLs, you may not be able to receive emails.
  For details on how to set and cancel, please check the websites of each company.
4.The registered email address is incorrect.

4.I don't receive the login ID and password notification postcard.

After applying for the WEB member website, the login ID and password will be mailed to your billing address in about 6 days by sealer postcard. However, the arrival of the postcard may be delayed to confirm the application details.
In addition, login IDs and passwords cannot be issued if there is a difference between the newly registered contents and the customer information of the authorities. In this case, a confirmation email will be sent, so please check it.
You can check your application status by contacting the Water Works Bureau Customer Service Center with your Address and name.

5.I forgot my password.

The login ID and password cannot be answered for security reasons.
From the login screen, select "If you have forgotten your password here" and apply for a reissue to reissue the password, you can reissue it. ※ID cannot be reissued.

6.I want to change the email address registered on the website.

If you select "Change Email Address" on My Page, you will proceed to the procedure.

7.I want to change the name registered on the website.

The name of the billing address for the water bill is displayed. If you wish to change the billing name, please contact the Customer Service Center.

8.Can multiple locations be combined with a single login ID and password?

Yes, you can register multiple locations with one login ID and password to see the amount of water used, water charges, sewerage charges, billing amounts, etc. (Please refer to Q9 for details.)

9.How to combine multiple locations with a single login ID and password.

To register multiple locations, you will need a login ID and password for each customer number, so please register a new website member site. When you receive the login ID and password postcard, log in with the login ID you want to summarize, select "Add customer number" on My Page and register.
※1 There is no limit to the number of cases that can be added.
※2 Please note that the added login ID and password will be invalidated unless you delete it after adding it.
※3 If you have lost or newly registered your new login ID and password when you have forgotten it, the added customer number will be canceled and you will be able to log in with the login ID and password for each customer number.

10. What is the time to update the price inquiry information?

It will be updated 1-2 business days after the meter reading.
※Updates may be delayed due to system limitations. Also, the date of the payment date takes about 2-3 weeks to be displayed (updated).

11. I want to unsubscribe from the website.

If you select "Unsubscribe" from My Page, you can unsubscribe. If you do not log in for 2 years, you will be automatically unsubscribed.

12. I accidentally applied for WEB membership registration multiple times.

Since the application for the WEB member site is automatically processed, it is not possible to destroy the content once applied. If you apply more than once, a new login ID and password will be issued each time, so you can log in with the latest login ID and password. Note that the latest login ID and password will have a larger login ID number.

For inquiries regarding water supply, please contact the Water Works Bureau Customer Service Center.

Water Works Bureau Customer Service Center

Phone: 045-847-6262 Fax: 045-848-4281
※Please be careful not to make a mistake.

Inquiries to this page

Water Works Bureau Water Supply Service Department Service Promotion Section (Telephone and fax numbers below are from Customer Service Center)

Phone: 045-847-6262

Phone: 045-847-6262

Fax: 045-848-4281

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Page ID: 957-841-394


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