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- Midori Ward and imposter scam Damage Prevention Information Center
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Midori Ward and imposter scam Damage Prevention Information Center
The Midori Ward Office and Midori police department have registered offices and stores that can cooperate in preventing the damage of special fraud (so-called "imposter scam") as "a base for disseminating information on the prevention of damage to the Midori Ward and imposter scam, and informingimposter scam residents of theimposter scam in a timely manner.
Last updated on July 10, 2020.
The latest information
The flow of information
In the event of a new fraud or a large number of signs is received at one time, alert information from police department will be sent to registered offices by fax or e-mail.
Business establishments that receive the information post information sent to the store and alert them in individual communication (conversation, etc.).
Cooperation offices
Green and business establishments anti-crime program Association, Green residential land and building business anti-crime program Association, Midori Ward Financial Institution anti-crime program Association, Midori Ward Shopping Street Association, Midori Ward Food Sanitation Association, Environment and Health Council Green Branch (financial institutions, real estate stores, shopping mall stores, hairdressing and beauty shops, restaurants, etc.).
[Number of cooperating establishments] 176 locations
List of cooperating establishments and stores (PDF: 114KB)
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Inquiries to this page
Midori Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division
Phone: 045-930-2238
Phone: 045-930-2238
Fax: 045-930-2242
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 162-650-899