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Walking Information

Last updated on December 19, 2023.

Walking is an exercise that everyone can easily do!

Health promotion that prevents lifestyle-related diseases prevention and falls. Why don't you start from 10 minutes a day in your own life?

Check your physical condition before walking

On that day, check if you are in good condition. If any of the following apply, refrain from exercising and rest your body.

 ・ When you feel anorexia, lack of sleep, fatigue, or feel like your chest tightened, dizziness, or nausea
 ・ When I feel hotter than usual
 ・ When the chest is pounding more than usual (as a guide, the maximum blood pressure is 160 mmHg or more, or the minimum blood pressure is 95 mmHg or more).

In addition, those with chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases may suddenly increase blood pressure due to exercise such as walking. First of all, let's talk to a specialist such as your GP.

Useful information for walking

・ Preparatory exercise and organizing exercise (PDF: 1,805KB)
・ Walking posture (PDF: 772KB)
・ Calorie Consumption Table (PDF: 961KB)
・ Daily Walking Diary (PDF: 219KB)
(Excerpted from the November 2013 revised edition of the "Nishiku Walking Notebook")

Nishi Ward Recommended Walking Information

Hama Walking Festival

People of all ages started with the aim of promoting health through walking while deepening mutual interaction. Every year, it is held from November to December, so please join us.
Participation application period is from mid-October to mid-November every year. Information is posted on the public relations Yokohama Nishi Ward version and on bulletin boards in Neighborhood Association and Neighborhood Associations.

Information on walking and exercise

There are many walking routes in Nishi Ward. Please take a look and enjoy walking.
In addition, please refer to the information useful for exercising.
■ A town walk map
■ Basic exercise information

Health family

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Inquiries to this page

Nishi Ward Health and Welfare Division Health Promotion Section

Phone: 045-320-8439

Phone: 045-320-8439

Fax: 045-324-3703

E-Mail address [email protected]

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