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  5. Announcement of the 2nd and 4th Saturday Open Agency

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Announcement of the 2nd and 4th Saturday Open Agency

Last updated on December 10, 2020.

Date of opening and Reception hours

Every month, 2nd and 4th Saturday, 9:00 am to noon
※Hours also starts at nine a.m.

Handling Business

You can apply for some of the duties of the ward office. Please refer to the following URL.
Some procedures, such as requesting a copy of resident certificate, are also possible by mail.
For details, please refer to "About businesses that can be processed by mail."

Handling Business
Window In charge Contact information Handling Business
Family Registry Division (1st floor) Registration Section

Telephone 320-8334

Seal Registration application, issuance of various certificates, etc. (resident certificate / family register, Seal Registration Certificate / resident certificate entry certificate, residence indication change certificate), My Number card
Family Registry Division (1st floor) Family Registry Section

Telephone 320-8332

Notification of family register (if confirmation is required by other local governments, only custody is required), permission to burial fire, issuance of family register certificate (certificate of all matters of family register (certificate of all matters of family register), certificate of all matters of removal (certificate of all matters of removal), certificate of personal matters of removal (certificate of abstract), identification card, certificate of entry to family register)
Insurance and Pension Division (1st floor) National Health Insurance Section

Telephone 320-8425

Notification of transfer of National Health Insurance, The Long-term Care Insurance, and Medical Care for the Elderly (for notification of medical care for the elderly, only custody is required), payment of insurance premiums, application for payment of benefits, transfer of subsidies for children, single parents and persons with disabilities medical expenses
Insurance and Pension Division (1st floor) National Pension Plan Section

Telephone 320-8421

Application for exemption from National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) insurance premiums and special application for student payment of National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) insurance premiums by National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin)
Children and Families Support Division Children and Families Support Section

Telephone 320-8467

Issuance of the Maternal and Child Health Handbook and Acceptance of Notifications in connection with Child Allowance Certification Requests and Transfers

※It's on the first floor when the office opens on Saturday.

Inquiries to this page

Nishi Ward Family Registry Division, Insurance and Pension Division Children and Families Support Division

Phone: 045-320-8484 (main phone number)

Phone: 045-320-8484 (main phone number)

Fax: 045-314-8894

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 190-515-965

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