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  5. Nishi Ward Office's Efforts to Realize Digital Ward Offices

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Nishi Ward Office's Efforts to Realize Digital Ward Offices

Last updated on March 1, 2024.

Digital ward office model ward

Yokohama City has formulated the "Yokohama DX Strategy" as an indication of Yokohama's digitalization policy, with the basic objective of bringing the benefits of digital to all citizens and communities and creating an attractive city.
In this "Yokohama DX Strategy", seven priority policies have been set, and in the Priority Policy 3, various demonstration experiments will be conducted mainly in the model district (Nishi Ward and Konan Ward) to examine the future image of the "digital ward office" based on the concept of "writing, waiting, not going, and connecting".

Yokohama DX Strategy」: Please refer to page 24 of "Action" for the digital ward office model ward.

Nishi Ward Digital Ward Office Model District Project

In response to being selected as a model ward for digital ward offices, Nishi Ward Office launched the “Nishi Ward Digital ward office model ward project,” which is made up of Nishi Ward employees. After formulating a slogan, it is divided into seven groups to conduct concrete planning, examination and demonstration experiments.

Effort Slogan

Effort Slogan
Formulated a slogan to unify the awareness of Nishi Ward staff and work together as a whole agency.

[Slogan Commentary]
・The word "digital" has been devised so that people who feel "cold" or "inorganic" can accept it.
・Focusing on the word "connection" that Nishi Ward has always valued, we express our efforts from three perspectives: protection, creation, and strong.
・"Protect" does not interrupt the existing "connections", "creating" creates and expands new "connections", and "strong" strengthens the "connections" that have been protected and created. I put the feeling.

7 groups

Details of each group's efforts are being made public. It is scheduled to be released in March 2024.

Group organization
Group name Major Initiatives
Anywhere ward office

・Demonstration experiments of various online consultations (childcare consultation, welfare and health consultation, legal consultation)
・Demonstration experiment of online contact using web conference booths set up at district centers

Digital disaster prevention

・Digitalization of refuge receptionists using refugee smartphones and other devices
・Multiplexing of communication lines used for information transmission (utilization of regional BWA networks, etc.)

A window that doesn't write

・Demonstration experiment of automatic application creation system using My Number Card
・Expansion of target office work and expansion of the scope of experiments to other ward offices

Use of digital tools

・Improve operational efficiency during business trips using digital tools (smartphones, tablets, etc.)
・Study the use of advanced technologies such as voice transcription services

Video creation and utilization

・Demonstration experiment of video creation tools to promote in-house production of videos
・Efficiency of counters and telephone support services utilizing videos created by staff

Improve the environment in response to new work styles

・Digitalization of work performance management of fiscal year appointment staff using two-dimensional barcodes
・Environmental improvement on the 4th floor of the Nishi Ward Government Building (improving customer satisfaction and improving the operational efficiency of staff)

Support for digitalization in the region

・Support digitalization of non-core operations (accounting, etc.) at Neighborhood Associations Neighborhood Association and various organizations
・Efforts to eliminate digital divides by local residents

Inquiries to this page

Nishi Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division (Digital)

Phone: 045-320-8311

Phone: 045-320-8311

Fax: 045-314-8894

E-Mail address [email protected]

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