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Sakae Ward promotion video

Last updated on June 16, 2023.

Sakae Ward promotion video

Various places in Sakae Ward and inhabitants of the ward who are active in the ward will appear.
If you know Sakae Ward well, what kind of place is Sakae Ward? Please take a look if you think about it.

About Sakae Ward promotion video
Sakae Ward promotion video and this website are link-free. Please use it for PR of Sakae Ward.
If you are using the Sakae Ward promotion video for commercial use, please contact the following address.
The copyright of the Sakae Ward promotional video and the Sakae Ward hymns used in the video to stop in my town is owned by Yokohama City.

Inquiries to this page

Sakae Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division

Phone: 045-894-8161

Phone: 045-894-8161

Fax: 045-894-9127

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 577-735-306

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