The text is from here.
Last updated on October 1, 2024.
This page is about the history of Sakae Ward.
Here are some booklets created in Sakae Ward.
History of Sakae (500 yen including tax)
※This is a history book for adults published in March 2013.
Sakae Ward Local History Handbook (300 yen including tax)
※The excerpt version is introduced here. (PDF:5,829KB)
Sakae Ward History Walking Map (100 yen including tax)
[Selling well at the following bookstores, etc.]
Toyoda District Center (outside site)
Kamigo district center (outside site)
SAKAESTA (outside site)
Municipal Publications and Goods Sales Corner (3rd floor of Yokohama City Hall New City Hall)
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Inquiries to this page
Sakae Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division
Phone: 045-894-8391
Phone: 045-894-8391
Fax: 045-894-3099
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 513-833-756