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Flowers in the ward are "kiku"

Last updated on August 1, 2024.

Flowers in the ward are "kiku"

In commemoration of the 5th anniversary of the constituency system, in 1991, Sakae Ward promoted the creation of a “Green Life and Culture City,” the theme of the Sakae Ward, and selected flowers for the ward to deepen the contact and luck of the inhabitants through the spread of flowers. Inhabitants of a ward applied for 99 kinds of flower candidates, and the enactment committee decided the flower of the ward as "kiku".

What kind of flower is "Kiku"?

General term for the family Asteraceae. The flowering season is from September to November, but there are many types and can be seen all year round.

Chrysanthemum flowers that are folded while being exposed to autumn leaves that are not old
(Tomonori Kino Kokin Wakashu)

As sung in waka, chrysanthemums have been popular as a symbol of longevity since ancient times, and are representative of autumn in Japan.
In the ward, it can be seen that a kind of Nogiku, such as Yomena and Nokongiku, grow naturally beside the fields. In addition, the cultivation of ornamental chrysanthemums is also thriving, and the chrysanthemum exhibition is held grandly every November.

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Sakae Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division

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