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Information for the public information Yokohama Seya Ward version

Last updated on May 1, 2020.

What is the public relations Yokohama Seya Ward version?

About issuance, acquisition method of "public information Yokohama Seya Ward version, city version"

About public information Yokohama Seya Ward version, city version
Publishing Appearance Date of distribution Contents
1st of every month

Tabloid version usually 16 pages

Ward version: Page 8 (There are additional pages)

City version: Page 8 (There are additional pages)

※The ward version and the city version are united.

By the 10th of every month
I'll give you it.

From the 11th of each month to the 10th of the following month

It is held for residents (citizens)

Events, etc.

About delivery, distribution place of public information paper

We distribute "public information Yokohama (ward version, city version is one)" by the next method. If you do not have a public relations paper, please contact Seya Ward Office Ward Administration Promotion Division Public Relations Section (Tel: 045-367-5636, Fax: 045-365-1170).

Distribution method of "Public information Yokohama"

Distribution by Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations

Each Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations is sent to the person in charge of the distribution of public relations papers, and each member of Neighborhood Associations Neighborhood Association distributes them to each household.

Distribution by public relations distribution organizations

If there is no Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations in your area where you live, about 20 households have gathered to designate representatives as public relations distribution organizations. We send to representative of public information distribution group and have you distribute to each home.

Yokohama PR box

The Yokohama PR box is installed at public facilities, Mitsukyo Station (in the ticket gate), Seya Station, etc., and public relations papers are distributed. It is also distributed to Seven-Eleven in the ward. All are arranged at the beginning of each month, but please note that the number is limited.

Toward Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations

If the person in charge of public relations paper distribution / number of copies is changed ...
If you can contact us by the 10th of each month, we will be in time for the next issue of delivery. We accept by phone or fax.
Please fill out the form below and send it to Seya Ward Office Ward Administration Promotion Division Public Relations Section (Tel: 045-367-5636, Fax: 045-365-1170).

News from public information Yokohama, news from prefecture, news from assembly change communication vote (word: 18KB)

We send Braille and recording versions by mail.

We mail Braille version, recording version (CD version, daisy version) of city version, recording version (daisy version) of each ward version to person with visual impairment.
If you would like to send it by mail, Address, name, Phone number, and what you would like.
Civic Affairs Bureau Public Relations Section (Phone: 045-671-2332, Fax: 045-661-2351, Email address: [email protected])
Please contact us.

Inquiries to this page

Seya Ward Office Ward Administration Promotion Division Public Relations Section

Phone: 045-367-5636

Phone: 045-367-5636

Fax: 045-365-1170

E-Mail address [email protected]

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