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For those affected by earthquakes, storms and floods, fires, etc.

Last updated on September 29, 2022.

 Those who have been damaged by earthquakes, storms and floods, fires, etc. may be able to receive relief and support systems according to the damage by submitting a “Disaster Certificate” etc. to the counter in charge such as the ward office.

 In the event of damage caused by earthquakes, storms and floods, the Totsuka Ward Office accepts applications for certificates.
 In case of fire damage, Totsuka fire department is accepting applications for certificates.

Type of certificate (damage due to earthquake, storm and flood damage)

 There are three types of certificates that can be applied for.

Affliction certificate

 If a house (building used for living) is damaged, certify the extent of the damage.
 Damage surveys may be conducted in some cases where a field survey is conducted or a self-judgment method (*) using photos.
 Damage categories are certified as one of the five categories: "completely destroyed", "large-scale partially destroyed", "half destroyed", "semi-destruction", and "not semi-destruction (partially damaged)".
 ※“Self-judgment method”
 If the degree of damage is minor and it can be determined that "it does not lead to semi-half-destruction (partial damage)" (the damage ratio is less than 10%), the applicant himself will "not result in semi-destruction (partial damage) ".
 If you determine the degree of damage using the self-judgment method, you do not need to conduct a field survey, so you can issue a certificate of affliction faster than usual.
 If you wish, please let us know at the counter.

Damaged non-residential building certificate

 If a building other than the house is damaged, it proves the fact of the disaster and does not certify the degree of damage.

Damage notification certificate

 When property other than building (household goods, vehicles, etc.) is damaged, we prove that we reported damage to city. It does not prove the degree of damage or the causal relationship between damage and disaster.

Application method (damage caused by earthquake, storm and flood damage)


 The victim or proxy/agent  
 ※If proxy/agent applies, a power of attorney is required. The power of attorney (example form) can be downloaded from the “Download Application Form / Power of Attorney” on this page, and is also available at Totsuka Ward Office General Affairs Division (No. 91 on the 9th floor).

Application window

 〒244-0003 16-17, Totsukacho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama-shi 
 Totsuka Ward Office General Affairs Division (91th floor, 9th floor)

required documents

・Application form for certificate to be applied
・Identity verification documents (with photo: driver's license, my number card, passport, etc.)
・Photographs of damage situation (Please refer to "Photos of damage situation" on this page.)
・Power of Attorney (if requested by proxy/agent)
 ※There is no charge for issuing various certificates.

Click here to download the application form and power of attorney.

 Application forms and power of attorney are also available at Totsuka Ward Office General Affairs Division (No. 91 on the 9th floor).
Disaster certificate application (PDF: 111KB) (Example (PDF: 155KB))
Damaged non-residential building certificate application (PDF: 97KB) (Example (PDF: 94KB))
Damage notification certificate application (PDF: 99KB) (Example (PDF: 98KB))
Power of Attorney (Example of Style) (PDF: 86KB)

Points of Photography in damage situation

 In order to accurately grasp the damage location and the degree of damage, please refer to the following four points and take a photo.

Points of Photography in damage situation

①If it is flooded, shoot so that the height of the inundation can be understood.
②Photographing around the house from 4 directions
③Photographs of entire view of each affected room
④Shooting so that you can see the whole area of the damaged area.

In case of fire damage

 Totsuka fire department is accepting applications for certificates, so please contact Totsuka fire department.
 Address: 4144 Totsuka-cho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama 244-0003, Japan
 Phone: 045-881-0119

Relief and Support System

 Those who have been damaged by an earthquake, storm or flood, fire, etc. may be able to receive a relief / support system by submitting a “Disaster Certificate” to the office in charge such as the ward office. .
 For more information, please contact the person in charge.

Procedures at the Totsuka Ward Office (when applying for various certificates due to damage from disasters other than fires (earthquakes, storms and floods))
ItemsSection in chargeTELTargetsContentsProcedure
Affliction certificate

General Affairs Section
(No. 91 on the 9th floor)


This applies to damage to houses caused by disasters other than fires.

We certify and certify the extent of damage caused by a disaster.

 Please bring the following documents and apply to the Totsuka Ward Office General Affairs Division (91th floor on the 9th floor).
・Application form for certificate to be applied
・Identity verification documents (with photo)
・Photographs of damage situation
・Power of Attorney (if requested by proxy/agent)

Damaged non-residential building certificateDamage to buildings other than dwellings caused by disasters other than fires is covered.Prove the facts of the disaster. We do not certify the extent of damage.
Damage notification certificate

Damage to property other than buildings (household goods, vehicles, etc.) caused by disasters other than fires is targeted.

Prove that you have reported the damage to the city. We do not certify the extent of damage.
Procedures for Tozuka Fire Book (when applying for issuance of a certificate of affliction due to damage caused by fire)
ItemsSection in chargeTELTargetsContentsProcedure
Affliction certificateTotsuka fire department881-0119Damage caused by fire is covered.We certify and certify the extent of damage caused by fire. Please contact us in advance when applying.

Procedures at the Totsuka Ward Office (when applying for the following support)
ItemsSection in chargeTELTargetsContentsProcedure

Reduction and exemption of property tax and city planning tax (land and houses)

Tax Division House Manager
(73rd floor on the 7th floor)
866-8368 Damage to houses, etc. 1/10 or more The tax amount will be reduced according to the degree of damage.

 For more information, please contact the person in charge.

Tax Division Land Section
(73rd floor on the 7th floor)
866-8361 Those who have been damaged by landslide, landslides, etc.
 Those whose annual harvest has decreased by more than 2/10 on farmland

Reduction and exemption of city prefectural tax

Tax Division City Tax Section
(No. 72 on the 7th floor)
866-8351 Loss or damage of homes or household goods 3/10 or more

Collection deferral of city tax

Tax Division Tax Receipt Section
(No. 72 on the 7th floor)
866-8386 Those who have difficulty paying or delivering at one time We may postpone collection of city tax

Reduction of insurance premiums for National Health Insurance, The Long-term Care Insurance and Medical System for Elderly Seniors

Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section
(No. 7 on the second floor)

866-8449 Those who have suffered more than 20% of property such as houses due to storms and floods, fires, earthquakes, etc. We will reduce insurance premiums according to the degree of damage.

National Health Insurance, The Long-term Care Insurance, Medical System for Elderly Seniors
Deferral of premium collection

 Those who cannot pay at one time due to damage from storm and flood damage, fire, earthquake disaster, etc. You may be deferred to collect insurance premiums.

Reduction and exemption of partial contribution of National Health Insurance

Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section
(No. 6 on the 2nd floor)


 More than half-burned half-burned The reduction and exemption of insurance premiums will be deferred for a certain period of time.

Reduction and exemption of partial contributions to the medical system for elder senior citizens

 Households whose damage to houses, etc. is more than 3/10 of its value and whose income is less than a certain level For a certain period of time, some contributions from medical expenses will be reduced.

Reduction of user burden of The Long-term Care Insurance

 More than half-burned half-burned You will be exempted from paying The Long-term Care Insurance users for a certain period of time.

Exemption from National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) premiums

Insurance and Pension Division National Pension Plan Section
(No. 5 on the second floor)

866-8441 Damage of approximately 1/2 or more of property price Exemption from insurance premiums when housing, household goods, or other property are damaged by a disaster.
Exemption from user burden of disability welfare services for a certain period of time

Elderly and Disabled Support Division Support for Persons with Disabilities (No. 9 on the 2nd floor)

866-8463 Those who use disability welfare services, etc. belonging to households that have suffered more than half-burned or partially destroyed The user's burden may be exempted for a certain period of time.

Reduction of childcare fees for nursery schools

Children and Families Support Division
(No. 8 on the second floor)

866-8467 More than half-burned or partially destroyed, flood above floor level Childcare fees are exempted for a certain period of time.

Support for disinfection

Health Sanitation Division Environmental Sanitation Section
(No. 64 on the 6th floor)
866-8476 Households on the floor and flood under floor level Explanation and implementation of disinfection methods
Other items handled by government offices
ItemsSection in chargeTELTargetsContentsProcedure
Reduction of general waste disposal feesResources and Waste Recycling Bureau Tozuka Office824-2580Fire, natural disasters, etc. When survivors owns waste generated by fire, etc., the waste disposal fee will be reduced. Application procedures are required in advance. Please attach a certificate of affliction at the time of application.
Temporary use of Municipal HousingHousing and Architecture Bureau Municipal Housing Division671-2923 Municipal Housing's temporary free use system I need a certificate of sickness, resident certificate. For more information, please contact the person in charge.
Reduction of water chargesWater Works Bureau Customer Service Center847-6262 Part of the water charge will be reduced. For more information, please contact the person in charge.
Consultation on Management of Small and Medium EnterprisesEconomic Affairs Bureau Finance Division671-2592 We accept various consultations such as management and financing of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Miscellaneous lossTozuka Tax Office863-0011 You can reduce all or part of your income tax.
Reduction of prefectural taxes
(Individual business tax and real estate acquisition tax)
Tozuka Prefectural Tax Office881-3911 You can reduce all or part of it.
Reduction of motor vehicle tax (jidosha-zei)motor vehicle tax (jidosha-zei) Management Office716-2111
Others (Exemption money, etc.)
ItemsSection in chargeTELTargetsContentsProcedure

Fees, etc.

Health and Welfare Division
(No. 61 on the 6th floor)
866-8418Fire, natural disasters, etc. For those who have suffered a certain amount of damage (examine the status of damage and certify the target person), we will give excursions etc. For more information, please contact the person in charge.
Totsuka Ward Japan National Council of Social Welfare※866-8434

Life welfare fund

Disaster relief money

Totsuka Ward Japan National Council of Social Welfare866-8434Low-income households
(There is income standard)

 Loans will be provided if you lose your home, household goods, or household goods due to a disaster.

 Within six months from the month following the affliction, please attach and submit a certificate of affliction and a quote for necessary expenses. (Please ask the person in charge in advance for income standards and application methods.)

※If you have any human damage such as death or serious injury during the disaster, condolence money or exemption money may be issued, so please contact us.
★In addition, there are various other systems related to support survivors. For details, please refer to the "List of various systems related to survivors Support" on the Yokohama City website.

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Inquiries to this page

Totsuka Ward General Affairs Division

Phone: 866-8307

Phone: 866-8307

Fax: 881-0241

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 710-952-088

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