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  5. About open call for participants of Totsuka Ward area child care support base "Totto no Me" management corporation (the fourth term)

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About open call for participants of Totsuka Ward area child care support base "Totto no Me" management corporation (the fourth term)

Last updated on January 30, 2024.

About open call for participants of Totsuka Ward area child care support base "Totto no Me" management corporation (the fourth term)

For five years from April 2023, Totsuka Ward has selected a corporation (candidate for contract) to operate the Totonome, a support base for raising children in the Totsuka Ward area.

Management Corporation (candidates for contract)

Corporate name: Non-profit organization Child care network dream
Location 1-10-33, Shimoizumi, Izumi-ku, Yokohama-shi
Representative: Michiko Takamura, Representative Director

Results of selection of operating corporations and related materials

Selection results (PDF: 174KB)
Outline (PDF: 157KB) about selection of operator of Totsuka-ku, Yokohama-shi area child care support base
Evaluation Index (PDF: 160KB)
Minutes of the 1st Selection Committee (PDF: 100KB)
1st selection committee handout document (PDF: 2,378KB)
Minutes of the 2nd Selection Committee Meeting (PDF: 116KB)
Committee list (PDF: 101KB)

What is a local child care support base?

It is a comprehensive facility for child care support in the area with the following seven functions. In Yokohama, it is located in all 18 wards.
・Providing a place for parents and children
・Child care consultation
・Gathering and providing information on child care
・Human resource development of people involved in child care support in the community
・Creating networks with people, organizations, institutions, etc. involved in child care
・Promotion of custody of children in the community
・Support for use of facilities, businesses, etc. that meet the needs of child-rearing families
For details on the business, please refer to the Child and Youth Bureau website (Yokohama Happinet) (external site).

Totsuka Ward Regional Child Care Support Base Project 5 Years

This year marks the 15th anniversary of the opening of Totonobu, a support base for child care in the Totsuka Ward area.
Please look back on the contents of the project implementation for the third five years and summarize the issues.
Summary of 5 years of Totsuka Ward area child care support base business (PDF: 1,203KB)


(1) Type of corporation to be operated
Oh, social welfare corporations that run child welfare facilities such as nursery schools in the city
(A) Medical corporations that operate medical facilities in the city
C Non-profit activities (NPOs) corporations that have a track record of child care support activities in the city
D. School corporations that run kindergartens in the city
(2) Qualifications for Application
Oh, it is expected that it is listed in general competitive bidding participation qualified person list of Yokohama-shi or that it is registered before concluding collaboration contract (contract contract type)
(B) The main purpose is not to be religious or political.

Operation period

As a general rule, the contract is five years from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2028, but the contract is made every single year.

Application Guidelines

(1) Distribution period and time
   From Monday, October 3, Reiwa 4 to Tuesday, October 11
   (Excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holidays)
   From 9:00 am to 12:00 am and from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
(2) Distribution location
   Totsuka Ward General Government Building Children and Families Support Division (8th floor on the second floor)
   ※You can also download it from this page.

Acceptance and notification of participation application form

(1) Reception period and time
From Tuesday, October 4, Reiwa 4 to Tuesday, October 11
(Excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holidays)
From 9:00 am to 12:00 am and from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
(2) Place of submission
Totsuka Ward General Government Building Children and Families Support Division (8th floor on the second floor)
※Please bring the documents directly. We will not accept submissions in other ways.
(3) Notification of proposal qualification confirmation result and proposal-related document submission request form
It will be shipped by Friday, October 14, 2022.

Acceptance of Questionnaire

(1) Those who can ask questions
   A person who has recognized that he / she has participated in the proposal qualification confirmation result notification.
(2) Acceptance Period
   From Monday, October 17, Reiwa 4 to Friday, October 21
(3) Acceptance method
   Please submit to Children and Families Support Division Totsuka Ward by e-mail or facsimile according to the questionnaire provided in the application guidelines.  
  (For details, please refer to the application guidelines.)
   Email: [email protected]
   Facsimile: 045-866-8473
(4) Answer
   It will be announced on this website by Monday, October 31, 2022.
   ※I didn't have any questions.

Proposal submission (application) method

(1) Reception period and time
   From Tuesday, November 1, 2022 to Tuesday, November 8, 2022
  (Excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holidays)
   From 9:00 am to 12:00 am and from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
(2) Place of submission
   Totsuka Ward General Government Building Children and Families Support Division (8th floor on the second floor)
   ※Please contact us in advance and adjust the schedule with the person in charge.

Selection Committee

A selection committee will be held to select the operating corporation (twice in total). The first time will be open to the public and the second time will be closed to the public.
For details, please refer to the meeting guide (PDF: 52KB).
1st Selection Committee: Friday, November 18, 2022
2nd Selection Committee: Tuesday, December 6, 2022
※At the 2nd Selection Committee, make a presentation by the applicant corporation and respond to hearings from the selection committee.

Notification of selection results

It will be shipped by the end of December 2022.

Materials and Application Forms

(1) Recruitment guidelines for Totsuka-ku, Yokohama-shi area child care support base management corporation (PDF: 752KB)
(2) 2023 Totsuka Ward Regional Child Care Support Base Business Specifications (draft) (PDF: 424KB)
(3) Application form for participation (word: 28KB)
(4) Questionnaire (word: 26KB)
(5) List of documents to be submitted (PDF: 403KB)
(6) Management corporation proposal (word: 67KB)
(7) Selection Committee Evaluation Index (PDF: 160KB)
(8) Totsuka Ward area child care support base business operation summary (PDF: 150KB)
(9) Yokohama child care support system business operation summary (PDF: 261KB)
(10) Yokohama Child Care Support System Rules (PDF: 197KB)
(11) Estimate creation example (word: 16KB)
(12) Equipment list (PDF: 221KB)
In charge: Children and Families Support Division Miura and Yamazaki
Telephone 866-8466

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Inquiries to this page

Totsuka Ward Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division

Phone: 045-866-8466

Phone: 045-866-8466

Fax: 045-866-8473

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 455-749-434

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