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More details! "Unacy,"

Last updated on July 8, 2024.

Born in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of Tozuka Ward System

In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Tozuka ward system in 2009, the mascot character "Unashii" was born.
The design was designed by Mai Miyake, a painter from Yokohama City, based on the best work selected by the judging committee from the 595 works collected by the open call for participants.
The nickname was also from the 1,314 points collected by the open call for participants, and the three points selected by the judging committee voted for the inhabitants, and "Unashi", which received the most votes, was selected.
The color of the spots on the body is "Sakura Ham" in pink, "Kashio River and other rivers, ponds and waterfalls" in blue, "Forests, Parks and Fields" in green, "milestone, Owaraji Tokaido" in tea, "Mizukinbai" in yellow, and "Totsuka Ward" in red.
It's a kind and relaxed cow.

Profile of "Unashiy"

Totsuka Ward mascot Unathy

Totsuka Ward's mascot "Unacy"

Date of birth May 10, 2009

Constellation Taurus

Height 153cm

47 kg

My favorite food no beach

I like the Kashio River riverbed

Sleep anywhere special skills

Pose of "Unacy"

Basic (horizontal) image
Basic (horizontal)

Basic (standing) image
Basic (Standing)

The image you are paying attention to
Be careful

Images introduced
I'm introducing

Images in trouble
I'm in trouble

I'm surprised
I'm surprised

An image of a little bit
I'm bored

Design Guidelines (PDF: 1,091KB)

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Inquiries to this page

Totsuka Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Phone: 045-866-8411

Phone: 045-866-8411

Fax: 045-864-1933

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 291-054-528

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