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Tsurumi Ward Health Activity Promotion Committee

Last updated on March 14, 2025.

What is a health activity promotion member?

In order to promote the health of citizens in the community, based on recommendations from Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, we are commissioned by the mayor to carry out various activities related to health promotion.

Overview of Health Activity Promotion Members
Term of office 2 years
(From April 1 to March 31 of the following year)
Duties As a promoter of local health promotion and as a partner in administrative health promotion measures.
Various areas in the area to promote citizen's health promotion plan "Health Yokohama 21"
I'm going to do it.
Activities 1 Plan and practice activities related to health promotion, and provide knowledge and knowledge to local people.
We will expand our activities.
Example) Health check, physical fitness measurement, walking, smoking cessation and health (examination) examination
Promotion of consultation and awareness-raising activities
2. Communicate information and opinions on local communities to the Health and Welfare CenterHealth and Welfare Center.
Through cooperation in participating in health promotion projects, we will work together to promote health.
I'll work on it.
We carry out various community-based welfare health activities for 3 local health promotion.
Example) Prevention of nursing care (Knee knee wakkun exercises), support activities for the elderly,
Child-rearing support activities
Organization Under the Yokohama City Health Activity Promotion Committee, there are health activity promotion committees in each ward.
We organize health activity promotion member society every district in ward.
Approximately 5,000 health activity promotion members are active throughout Yokohama City.
Tsurumi Ward is divided into 18 districts.
[District name]
Yako, Market, Market Second, Tsurumichuuo, Shiota Chuo, Eastern Shiota, Shiota, Shiota Bridge, Shiota
Western Shiota, Onomachi, Namamugi Daiichi, Namamugi Daini, Toyooka, Terao, Terao Daini, and Terao Daini.
Komaoka, Kamisueyoshi, Shimosueyoshi, Egasaki-cho

PR magazine "Tsuru"

It is issued once every two years to introduce the main activities of the whole and the activities of each district.

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Inquiries to this page

Tsurumi Ward Health and Welfare Center Health and Welfare Division

Phone: 045-510-1832

Phone: 045-510-1832

Fax: 045-510-1792

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 379-534-153

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