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In fiscal 2024, the Tsurumi Ward Tax Encouragement Ceremony was held.

Last updated on December 19, 2024.

Yokohama City recognizes those who are recognized as having achieved achievements such as business activities that contribute to the promotion of tax payment of city taxes, etc. for the purpose of raising the awareness of tax payment of city taxes and disseminating and enlightening knowledge about city taxes. doing.
In Tsurumi Ward, the award ceremony was held on December 13, 2024, at the Mayor's Office of Tsurumi.

Organization name and position Name
Managing Director of Tsurumi Corporate Association Mr. Etsuko Ito
Standing Director of Tsurumi Blue Declaration Committee Mr. Yoshie Hiramitsu (Yoshie Hiramitsu)
Standing Director of the Federation of Tsurumi Ward Tax Savings Associations Mr. Tomoko Fujiwara


Inquiries to this page

Tsurumi Ward General Affairs Department Tax Division

Phone: 045-510-1744

Phone: 045-510-1744

Fax: 045-510-1818

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 289-383-993

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