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  5. Delivering scenery of Okinawa and Tsurumi with original frame stamps

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Delivering scenery of Okinawa and Tsurumi with original frame stamps

Last updated on June 20, 2022.

Original frame stamp
We donated a frame stamp.

Tsurumi Ward was selected as one of the stages in the NHK serial TV novel Chimudon, which is currently being broadcast, and an original frame stamp was produced at the Minami Kanto branch of Japan Post Co., Ltd., and sales started at the post office in Yokohama on April 25.

At the start of sales, Japan Post Co., Ltd. held a ceremony to present frame stamps to the Chimudon Yokohama Tsurumi Project Executive Committee and the Tsurumi Ward Office.

We donated a frame stamp.

In order to show off the frame stamps and revitalize the stage of Tsurumi Ward, a presentation ceremony was held at the Tsurumi Ward Office. Mayor Haruo Shibuya, President of the Minami Kanto Branch of Japan Post Co., Ltd. directly received a frame stamp that was just completed.

Mr. Haruo Shibuya, Mayor of Tsurumi, said with a smile, "I am delighted to make a wonderful stamp that connects Tsurumi and Okinawa." . Shimozato, Chairman of the Chimudon Yokohama Tsurumi Project Executive Committee, who also received the donation, said, "Good connections are expanding with the cooperation of various people." I want to make it more exciting, "he said, and it was a place where the three parties unite for the further development of "Chimudon Town Yokohama Tsurumi".

Miho Ichiki, president of Japan Post Co., Ltd. Minami Kanto Branch, who came to Tsurumi for this purpose, said, "Tsurumi Ward has many attractions and I want many people to know the charm through this frame stamp." I strongly felt that the momentum of local people is increasing beyond the boundaries of local governments and companies.

We will continue to cooperate in public-private studies and disseminate the charm of Tsurumi!

Presenting original frame stamps
From the left, Mayor Tsurumi Shibuya, President Ichiki Branch, Chairman Shimozato, Chief of Yokohama City Eastern District Liaison Committee Kushida General Manager

About original frame stamp set "Chimudon Town Yokohama Tsurumi"

Japan Post Co., Ltd.'s Minami-Kanto branch office has a set of 84-yen stamps featuring 10 photos of Okinawan landscapes and other famous places in Tsurumi Ward such as Shiota Shrine and Daikokufuto.

Initially, it was planned to be sold only at post offices in Tsurumi Ward, but it was decided to be sold at 133 post offices in the eastern part of the city because "I want people to know more about Tsurumi."

1,500 sets of frame stamps will be prepared and will end as soon as they run out. Please contact the post office as soon as possible.

Inquiries to this page

Tsurumi Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division

Phone: 045-510-1676

Phone: 045-510-1676

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