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About the 90th anniversary project executive committee of Tsurumi ward system

Last updated on July 16, 2024.

About the 90th anniversary project executive committee of Tsurumi ward system

Tsurumi Ward will celebrate its 90th anniversary in October 2017. By looking back on the history of Tsurumi Ward and rediscovering its charms, we hope to celebrate with the inhabitants of the ward, related organizations and organizations, and connect them to an even more attractive and energetic future of Tsurumi Ward.
Therefore, we will celebrate the 90th anniversary of Tsurumi Ward System with the inhabitants of the ward who are engaged in various activities in the ward, and establish the 90th anniversary commemorative project executive committee of Tsurumi Ward System to foster a sense of unity.
The Executive Committee has three subcommittees, a commemorative ceremony subcommittee, an event and charm subcommittee, and a public relations subcommittee, and the ward office will work with all the agencies and work with local residents.

Tsurumi Ward 90th Anniversary Commemorative Project Executive Committee Implementation System Map

Tsurumi Ward 90th Anniversary Commemorative Project Executive Committee Rules (PDF: 194KB)

Tsurumi Ward 90th Anniversary Commemorative Project Executive Committee List (PDF: 94KB)

About summary of business of the 90th anniversary of Tsurumi ward system (PDF: 350KB)

About the logo mark of the 90th anniversary of Tsurumi Ward System

In order to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Tsurumi Ward System with many people, we recruited catchphrases from all over the country, including the residents of the city.
As a result, we received applications from many people who love Tsurumi Ward, and among the 206 catchphrase candidates, the Executive Committee said “Exciting Tsurumi!” Was selected, and based on this, the 90th anniversary logo mark of Tsurumi Ward System was born!

In the future, let's use this logo to enliven the 90th anniversary commemorative project together!

Tsurumi Ward 90th Anniversary Logo Mark

[Thoughts included in the logo]
Combining with Tsurumi Ward's mascot "wakkun" in the ward from the 90th anniversary to the 100th anniversary of Tsurumi's birth.
Everyone in the ward participates in various development plans (high-speed opening, maintenance of Kagetsuen, etc.) with excitement.
I thought that I could support you.
Also, if you read the number 90 from the opposite, you can read it as ○ (= circle) 9, so it would be easy for everyone to remember it.
I wondered what it was. 

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Tsurumi Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division

Phone: 045-510-1680

Phone: 045-510-1680

Fax: 045-510-1891

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Page ID: 928-147-682

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