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Inhabitant of a ward culture center

Last updated on February 2, 2024.

About the Citizens' Cultural Center in Tsuzuki Ward  

The Tsuzuki Citizens' Cultural Center (hereinafter referred to as "Tsuzuki Ward   Bun") is currently working on maintenance and selection of designated managers for opening in 2024.
Development of Citizens' Cultural Center in Tsuzuki Ward  
About open call for participants of Tsuzuki inhabitant of a ward Cultural Center designation manager

About naming rights business in Tsuzuki Ward   sentence

For the first time as a citizen's cultural center in Yokohama, we will openly recruit naming rights sponsors.
※The conclusion of this naming rights agreement is based on the assumption that Yokohama City Council will revise the ordinance to position Tsuzuki Ward   sentence as a cultural center in Yokohama.
About naming rights business

Overview of Public Offerings

1 Scope of naming rights (naming rights)
  The name of the sponsor's company or product (brand) can be given as a nickname for Tsuzuki Ward  .
2. Contractual Conditions
  Minimum price: The annual fee is 9.9 million yen or more (tax included), and proposals from applicants are requested.
  Nickname usage period: 10 years and 3 months
  Start of use of nicknames: January 2025 (planned)
3 Public Offer Period
  From Friday, January 20, Reiwa 5 to Friday, February 10, 5:00 pm
  ※The deadline for mailing is valid for postmarks on Friday, February 10.
4 Flow up to the naming rights agreement
  After the open call for participants period, based on the results of the naming rights examination committee established by Yokohama City, we will comprehensively judge the desired amount, desired period, name draft, business content and other factors, and decide as a priority negotiating right holder . After that, we will hear the opinions of related parties and citizens regarding the introduction of naming rights at the facility, and conclude a contract after discussing the contract conditions.

5 Materials
 ※The application has been closed.
 ・Tsuzuki inhabitant of a ward culture center (tentative name) naming rights open call for participants essential point (PDF: 426KB)
 ・Application form (word: 13KB)

6 Application and Inquiries
  〒224-0032 32-1, Chigasakichuo, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama-shi 
  City of Yokohama, Tsuzuki Ward   Regional Promotion Division Ward Facilities Subdivision  
  Phone: 045-948-2235 Fax: 045-948-2239

Regarding the priority negotiating right holder and proposal contents


1 Overview of Proposals

(Priority Negotiating Right Holder)

(Name) Bosch Co., Ltd.
(Head Office) 3-6-7, Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
(Representative) Klaus Meder, President and CEO
Development, manufacture, sale and service of automotive equipment
NicknameBosch Hall (English name: Bosch Hall)
Proposal amount11 million yen per year (tax included)
Period10 years and 3 months (January 2025 to March 2035)
Proposals for Regional Contributions①Strengthening the communication capabilities of facilities, including Tsuzuki Ward  
 Planning, implementation, and dissemination of various events in cooperation with all-weather squares and Bosch Building, and improvement of acknowledgement
②Creating bustle through organic collaboration between facilities related to Tsuzuki Ward   Bunbun Bosch Co., Ltd.
 Open the 1st floor of the Bosch Building, an all-weather open space and a Bosch building as a venue for social activities and local events
③Contributing to Cultural Promotion
 Planning and implementation of cultural events and programs

2 Opinion solicitation and inquiries  ※Your opinion has been closed.
(1) Application period
   From Thursday, March 30, 2023 to Thursday, April 20, 2023
(2) Application method
   Opinions are solicited by mail, fax, or e-mail (free format).
   [Postal] 32-1 Chigasaki Chuo, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama 224-0032
       Addressed to Ward Facilities Subdivision Regional Promotion Division, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama
   【FAX】 045-948-2239
   [E-mail] [email protected]
(3) Contact information
   Regional Promotion Division, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama Phone: 045-948-2235
3 Results of opinion solicitation
  List of opinion solicitation results (PDF: 169KB)

Conclusion of naming rights agreement

Based on the "Guidelines on Yokohama City Naming Rights Introduction", based on the opinions received from citizens, we examined the naming rights introduction study meeting and concluded the contract as follows.

Outline of the contract
The other party of the contract (Name) Bosch Co., Ltd.
(Head Office) 3-6-7, Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
(Representative) Klaus Meder, President and CEO
Development, manufacture, sale and service of automotive equipment
Nickname Bosch Hall (English name: Bosch Hall)
Contract amount 11 million yen per year (tax included)
Contract period 10 years and 3 months (January 2025 to March 2035)
Proposals for Regional Contributions ①Strengthening the communication capabilities of facilities, including Tsuzuki Ward  
 Planning, implementation, and dissemination of various events in cooperation with all-weather squares and Bosch Building, and improvement of acknowledgement
②Creating bustle through organic collaboration between facilities related to Tsuzuki Ward   Bunbun Bosch Co., Ltd.
 Open the 1st floor of the Bosch Building, an all-weather open space and a Bosch building as a venue for social activities and local events
③Contributing to Cultural Promotion
 Planning and implementation of cultural events and programs

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Inquiries to this page

Tsuzuki Ward   General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Phone: 045-948-2231

Phone: 045-948-2231

Fax: 045-948-2239

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 864-351-809

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