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About infant medical examination

Last updated on January 28, 2025.

For healthy development of babies

Infant health checkups
(Child and Family Support Section TEL: 045-866-8466)

Venue: 5th floor of Totsuka Ward Office
※We will send you an individual notice in advance. Depending on circumstances, we may call you on another day.
※If you are ill, suspect an infectious disease, or if it is difficult to come to the agency due to bad weather, etc., please consult a medical examination day after the designated date. Reservations are not required, so please come as soon as possible at a convenient time on each medical examination schedule.

(Notes on medical examinations)

  • If you have a cold, a fever of 37.5 degrees or higher, or an acute rash, please refrain from consulting.
  • Please refrain from consulting not only for children who are subject to medical examinations but also for those who have symptoms such as fever or cough in their family.
  • Thank you for your cooperation in taking out used diapers. Please bring a filth bag.

Totsuka Ward Infant Health Examination Schedule and Reception hours

※It is decided when the 2025 budget is voted in the city council.

In order to prevent congestion, we may call you on another day from the schedule.

※If you are going to have a medical examination after the designated date, be sure to check the Reception hours in the itinerary (PDF) above before consulting.

About medical examination contents
Age of medical examinationContents of medical examinationBelongings
4-month-old child medical examinationInterview, measurement, consultation, individual consultation (childcare, baby food), etc.

・Maternal and Child Health Handbook
・Bath towel
・Changing diapers
・Waste bag (for used diapers)

Medical examination for children aged 1 year and 6 monthsInterview, dental checkup, measurement, consultation, individual consultation (childcare, development, diet, teeth), etc.

・Maternal and Child Health Handbook
・Children's toothbrush
・Changing diapers
・Shoe bags (plastic bags, etc.)
・Waste bag (for used diapers)

3-year-old medical examinationUrinalysis, medical interviews, dental checkups, measurements, consultations, individual consultations (childcare, development, diet, teeth), etc.

・Maternal and Child Health Handbook
・Children's toothbrush
・Changing diapers
・Shoe bags (plastic bags, etc.)
・Waste bag (for used diapers)
・Urine of the day

About the details of infants medical examination, please see Yokohama-shi homepage.
Check ups for Infants and Toddlers page

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Inquiries to this page

Totsuka Ward Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division

Phone: 045-866-8466

Phone: 045-866-8466

Fax: 045-866-8473

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 776-730-235

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