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1 year and 6 month old child Health Checkups

Last updated on April 1, 2022.

About Health Checkups, 1 year and 6 month old child

Medical examination day

Please visit each Health and Welfare Center website or contact Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division.
We will send you a notice in advance to the target child.

If you would like to have a medical examination outside Yokohama for homecoming, etc., please check with the municipality where you are staying to see if you can have a medical examination. If you are available and need a request form for Check ups for Infants and Toddlers or other cities, please contact Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division in your ward.

If you are unable to attend a health check-up, we may call or visit from Health and Welfare Center in your ward.

Belongings of the day

Questionnaire (enclosed in the notice) Maternal and Child Health Handbook, Writing Equipment, Toothbrush

Time required

It's about 60 to 90 minutes.

Main contents

Watch how to communicate with words and pointing, which are important points in the development of infants. There are many children who are in a bad mood, have shyness, or cannot do it on the spot, so I check the situation at home and the progress since then.
<Inquiry> Watch the pointing while consulting with your family and listening to your child.
<Dental Health Examination> Check the caries, etc.
<Measurement> Measure height and weight.
<Examination> Your doctor will see you.
<Talk> I will talk about life, nutrition, and cavity prevention.
Consultation We provide consultation on childcare.

What you need to know during child care "Children of 1 year and 6 months"

At a 1-year-old and 6-month-old child's medical checkup, we may talk about the child's mental and physical development, diet and brushing teeth at this time as a whole.

In addition, there are videos of pregnant and child-raising (4-month-old, 1-year-old and 6-month-old, 3-year-old) as "Online health guidance that allows you to participate at home with peace of mind."

Contact information

Health and Welfare Center Children's Family (Disability) Support Section
Tsurumi Ward045-510-1850Kanazawa Ward045-788-7785
Kanagawa Ward045-411-7111Kohoku Ward045-540-2319
Nishi Ward045-320-8468Midori Ward045-930-2361
Naka Ward045-224-8172Aoba Ward045-978-2456
Minami Ward045-341-1148Tsuzuki Ward  045-948-2318
Konan Ward045-847-8410Totsuka Ward045-866-8466
Hodogaya Ward045-334-6323Sakae Ward045-894-8410
Asahi Ward045-954-6150Izumi Ward045-800-2448
Isogo Ward045-750-2448Seya Ward045-367-5748

Inquiries to this page

Child and Youth Bureau Children's Welfare and Health Department Regional Child Care Support Section

Phone: 045-671-2455

Phone: 045-671-2455

Fax: 045-550-3946

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 735-102-085


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