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Maternity Health Checkups
Last updated on September 11, 2023.
From 2018, even medical institutions outside the city that have contracted can use auxiliary tickets for maternity checkups after childbirth.
※Pregnant women Health Checkups and maternity Health Checkups are not the same.
Target person
It is for maternity women who gave birth after June 1, 2017, and there are two types of auxiliary tickets.
It can only be used if each condition is met.
2 weeks after childbirth
- Maternity women who have undergone a medical examination at a contracted medical institution in Yokohama
- A medical examination that has been consulted within the designated period after childbirth and is deemed necessary by a doctor.
- Within the designated period refers to the period between 5 and 21 days after childbirth.
1 month after childbirth
- Maternity women who have undergone a medical examination at a contracted medical institution in Yokohama
- Applicable to all maternity women who can be consulted within the designated period after childbirth
- The designated period refers to the period between 22 and 60 days after birth.
Number of uses and subsidies
Up to 2 weeks after birth and 2 times a month.
The subsidy amount per time is 5,000 yen.
How to use
Submit the auxiliary ticket to the medical institution where you will receive the subsidy, and the subsidy amount will be deducted from the cost.
The results of the medical examination will be reported to Yokohama City by the user organization.
Fill out the questionnaire and submit it to the medical institution along with the maternity Health Checkups expense subsidy ticket.
(The questionnaire will be distributed from medical institutions.)
Download of style of questionnaire form of maternity checkup (PDF: 261KB)
※Please note that there is no reimbursement system for maternity Health Checkups.
※You will be responsible for the cost of consulting a medical institution that has not been contracted.
How to distribute auxiliary tickets
Distribution location: Each ward office Children and Families Support Division (Health and Welfare Center)
Date of distribution: Distributed together with the Maternal and Child Health Handbook at the time of notification of pregnant women
Medical examination items to be subsidized
Interviews (living environment, nursing status, childcare anxiety, etc.)
Medical examination (e.g. bad dew, breast condition, uterus degeneration)
Measurement of weight and blood pressure
Urinalysis (protein, sugar)
Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Questionnaire (EPDS)
In addition, we will conduct medical examinations using necessary questionnaires as appropriate.
About the use outside the city
From 2018, auxiliary tickets for maternity checkups after childbirth can be used at contracted medical institutions outside the city.
- For the use of auxiliary tickets, medical institutions contracted with Yokohama City are eligible.
- Even medical institutions that can use an auxiliary ticket for prenatal checkups during pregnancy may not be able to use the auxiliary ticket for maternity checkups after childbirth.
For available out-of-city medical institutions, please refer to the "List of Out-of-city contracted medical institutions in the maternity Health Checkups business" posted on medical institutions where auxiliary tickets can be used.
Window of each ward office
For inquiries regarding the procedure for issuing a maternity Health Checkups auxiliary ticket, please contact the ward office below.
Ward | Section name | In charge | Floor of the counter | Contact number | TEL |
Aoba Ward | Children and Families Support Division | Child-rearing Support Section | 2nd floor | No. 37 | 045-978-2456 |
Asahi Ward | Children and Families Support Division | Children and Families Support Section | 3rd floor of the main building | No. 32 | 045-954-6151 |
Izumi Ward | Children and Families Support Division | Children and Families Support Section | 2nd floor | No. 210 | 045-800-2444 |
Isogo Ward | Children and Families Support Division | Children and Families Support Section | 5th floor | No. 52 | 045-750-2415 |
Kanagawa Ward | Children and Families Support Division | Children and Families Support Section | 3rd floor of the annex | No. 304 | 045-411-7112 |
Kanazawa Ward | Children and Families Support Division | Children and Families Support Section | 4th floor | No. 404 | 045-788-7785 |
Konan Ward | Children and Families Support Division | Children and Families Support Section | 4th floor | No. 40 | 045-847-8410 |
Kohoku Ward | Children and Families Support Division | Children and Families Support Section | 1st floor | No. 14 | 045-540-2340 |
Sakae Ward | Children and Families Support Division | Children and Families Support Section | 2nd floor of the main building | No. 26 | 045-894-8410 |
Seya Ward | Children and Families Support Division | Children and Families Support Section | 4th floor | No. 40 | 045-367-5760 |
Tsuzuki Ward | Children and Families Support Division | Child and Family Support | 2nd floor | No. 24 | 045-948-2318 |
Tsurumi Ward | Children and Families Support Division | Children and Families Support Section | 3rd floor | No. 4 | 045-510-1797 |
Totsuka Ward | Children and Families Support Division | Child and Family Support | 2nd floor | No. 8 | 045-866-8470 |
Naka Ward | Children and Families Support Division | Children and Families Support Section | Main Building 5F | No. 54 | 045-224-8171 |
Nishi Ward | Children and Families Support Division | Children and Families Support Section | 2nd floor | No. 28 | 045-320-8468 |
Hodogaya Ward | Children and Families Support Division | Children and Families Support Section | 3rd floor of the main building | No. 34 | 045-334-6297 |
Midori Ward | Children and Families Support Division | Children and Families Support Section | 1st floor | No. 11 | 045-930-2332 |
Minami Ward | Children and Families Support Division | Children and Families Support Section | 2nd floor | No. 25 | 045-341-1148 |
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Inquiries to this page
Child and Youth Bureau Children's Welfare and Health Department Regional Child Care Support Section
Phone: 045-671-2455
Phone: 045-671-2455
Fax: 045-550-3946
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 839-252-235