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Issuance of Maternal and Child Health Handbook

Last updated on January 17, 2025.

If you are diagnosed with pregnancy at a medical institution

If you are diagnosed with pregnancy at a medical institution, please notify your Health and Welfare Center (Children and Families Support Division) of your pregnancy as soon as possible and receive a Maternal and Child Health Handbook.
The Maternal and Child Health Handbook is important to record maternal and child health conditions, including the progress of pregnancy and the development and development of children after child birth. Please keep it in a safe place.
In addition, we have also issued a spelling of medical examination tickets for pregnant women Health Checkups and baby/infant Health Checkups.

Flow of delivery

  1. Please fill in your pregnancy registration form at the Health and Welfare Center (Children and Families Support Division) window where you live.
  2. I will give you a maternal and child health handbook.
  3. After explaining how to use the Maternal and Child Health Handbook and medical examination tickets, public health nurses, midwives, etc. will talk.

Necessary items for notification

When the pregnant woman comes to the agency

If you have a personal number card

  • Personal number card
  • patient's card Shinryo-ken, a medical institution diagnosed with pregnancy

If you do not have a personal number card

  • Personal number notification card, copy of resident certificate with personal number, etc.
  • Identity verification (PDF: 147KB)
  • patient's card Shinryo-ken, a medical institution diagnosed with pregnancy

proxy/agent can also submit a notification.

If the pregnant woman cannot come to the agency for unavoidable reasons, proxy/agent may also submit a notification. At that time, I would like to talk to proxy/agent about pregnant women. Also, at a later date, Children and Families Support Division staff may call the pregnant woman about health guidance, so be sure to respond accordingly.
Please note that what you need is different when proxy/agent submits a notification.

In the case of legal representative

When a parental guardian, minor guardian, or adult guardian is coming to the agency, the following is required. In addition, please check the number of weeks of pregnancy or the expected date of childbirth before visiting.

  • A copy of the pregnant woman's personal number (personal number card, personal number notification card, copy of resident certificate with personal number, etc.) or
  • The right of representation can be confirmed
  • proxy/agent's identity verification (PDF: 148KB)
  • patient's card Shinryo-ken, a medical institution diagnosed with pregnancy

Optional proxy/agent

If a person other than legal representative (a pregnant woman's husband, partner, parent, etc.) is coming to the agency, the following is required: In addition, please check the number of weeks of pregnancy or the expected date of childbirth before visiting.

About Maternal and Child Health Handbook

Foreign language and Braille versions

Foreigners have a Maternal and Child Health Handbook in six languages (English, Chinese, Hangul, Spanish, Portuguese, and Vietnamese). If you need a Braille manual, please let us know.

Items to be handed in conjunction with the Maternal and Child Health Handbook

When moving in or out

You do not need to return it when you move out.
Also, please note that, except for loss, it will not be issued newly to those who move in.
However, if you are moving in from outside the city, you will receive a medical examination ticket from Yokohama City and provide Vaccinations and other information, so please bring your Maternal and Child Health Handbook and a medical examination ticket issued by the local government before moving in and come to your ward Health and Welfare Center window.

When you lose your Maternal and Child Health Handbook

Please come to the Health and Welfare Center window where you live. We will issue it on the spot, but we will not keep records of medical examinations and Vaccinations, so please be careful not to lose it as much as possible.
In addition, please note that medical examination tickets handed together with the Maternal and Child Health Handbook cannot be reissued.
※Reissue is limited to children up to elementary school students.

Window of each ward office

For inquiries regarding the procedure for issuing the Maternal and Child Health Handbook, please contact your ward office below.

Reception hours

  • Weekday

From 8:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  • 2nd and 4th Saturday

From 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

List of windows
Ward Section name In charge Floor of the counter Contact number TEL
Aoba Ward Children and Families Support Division Child-rearing Support Section 2nd floor No. 37 045-978-2456
Asahi Ward Children and Families Support Division Children and Families Support Section 3rd floor of the main building No. 32 045-954-6151
Izumi Ward Children and Families Support Division Children and Families Support Section 2nd floor No. 210 045-800-2444
Isogo Ward Children and Families Support Division Children and Families Support Section 5th floor No. 52 045-750-2415
Kanagawa Ward Children and Families Support Division Children and Families Support Section 3rd floor of the annex No. 304 045-411-7112
Kanazawa Ward Children and Families Support Division Children and Families Support Section 4th floor No. 404 045-788-7785
Konan Ward Children and Families Support Division Children and Families Support Section 4th floor No. 40 045-847-8410
Kohoku Ward Children and Families Support Division Children and Families Support Section 1st floor No. 14 045-540-2340
Sakae Ward Children and Families Support Division Children and Families Support Section 2nd floor of the main building No. 26 045-894-8410
Seya Ward Children and Families Support Division Children and Families Support Section 4th floor No. 40 045-367-5760
Tsuzuki Ward   Children and Families Support Division Child and Family Support 2nd floor No. 24 045-948-2318
Tsurumi Ward Children and Families Support Division Children and Families Support Section 3rd floor No. 4 045-510-1797
Totsuka Ward Children and Families Support Division Child and Family Support 2nd floor No. 8 045-866-8470
Naka Ward Children and Families Support Division Children and Families Support Section Main Building 5F No. 54 045-224-8198
Nishi Ward Children and Families Support Division Children and Families Support Section 2nd floor No. 28 045-320-8467
Hodogaya Ward Children and Families Support Division Children and Families Support Section 3rd floor of the main building No. 34 045-334-6297
Midori Ward Children and Families Support Division Children and Families Support Section 1st floor No. 11 045-930-2332
Minami Ward Children and Families Support Division Children and Families Support Section 2nd floor No. 25 045-341-1148

Each ward will be issued in Children and Families Support Division.

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Inquiries to this page

Child and Youth Bureau Children's Welfare and Health Department Regional Child Care Support Section

Phone: 045-671-2455

Phone: 045-671-2455

Fax: 045-550-3946

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 588-494-431


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