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Please be aware of the tax return (income tax) with the tax office.

Last updated on February 7, 2025.

Please be aware of the tax return (income tax) with the tax office.

About spouse of the same livelihood

Due to the revision of the tax system, taxpayers' income restrictions in spouse deductions have been set, and if the total income of taxpayers exceeds 10 million yen, spouse deductions cannot be received.
Therefore, if you are a taxpayer with a total income of more than 10 million yen and have the same living spouse (*), enter the spouse's name, date of birth, etc.

※The same living spouse is a spouse who makes a living with the taxpayer and has a total income of 480,000 yen or less in the previous year, and has not been paid salary as a full-time business employee of a blue filer Or a person who is not a full-time business employee of a white filer.

For dependent relatives under 16 years of age (younger support)

If you are dependent on a relative under the age of 16 and file a final income tax return, be sure to enter your name, date of birth, etc. in Table 2 “Matters related to spouse and relatives” column of the tax return. please.

・Please note that if not filled out, it may not be treated as a dependent relative under residence tax.

About donation deduction, donation tax credit

For those who file a donation deduction / donation tax credit in the income tax return, please refer to Table 2 "Matters related to donation deduction" column and "Matters related to resident tax" column of the final income tax return. Please fill in the name and donation amount.

・Please note that if not filled out, the donation deduction in the resident tax may not be calculated correctly.
・About the regulations designation, only group appointed by the regulations of Kanagawa and Yokohama-shi is targeted for deduction.
Please refer to the following list for details. (Depending on the timing of publication, etc., the target organizations may not be listed. If you have any questions, please check with the recipient organization.)
Kanagawa ordinance designated organization (to Kanagawa homepage) (outside site)
Ordinance designated organization of Yokohama City (to the homepage of Finance Bureau Tax Division, Yokohama City)

Deductions for dividends and deductions for transfer of shares, etc.

If there is a dividend income related to listed stocks or transfer income of listed stocks in a specific account for which withholding has been selected, and those incomes are declared in a final tax return, the amount of resident tax that has already been withheld Please fill in the "Dividend Discount Deduction" and "Deduction of Transfer Income Deduction of Shares" in Table 2 of the tax return.

・Please note that if not filled out, it may be calculated assuming that there is no withholding of residence tax.

Inquiries to this page

Aoba Ward General Affairs Department Tax Division

Phone: 045-978-2241

Phone: 045-978-2241

Fax: 045-978-2414

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 728-175-708

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