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  5. About the bright election promotion council of Aoba Ward

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About the bright election promotion council of Aoba Ward

Last updated on February 28, 2024.

Erabo's profile

Hello! I'm a boy.

Erabo's self-introduction!


My name is Erabo! I was born in Aoba Ward and passed in 2017.
I do my best every day in my favorite Aoba Ward to raise election awareness and turnout.
If you have any questions about the election, ask Erabo!


December 25, 1997

●Place of origin

Ichigaocho, Aoba-ku

●What I like

I like to come up with ideas that would make everyone want to go to the election.
I'm very happy to see so many people come to vote!
I also love eating freshly picked "no beach" grown in Aoba Ward.


It's a bit silent, but I'm always smiling and I can get along with anyone.
When I communicate, I do writing.
I try to treat everyone fairly and fairly.


Laughing Erabo

Look up
Looking up


Erabo to vote


This is the point!



An amazing boy

Erabo Column

I participated in the Aoba Kumin Festival!

I participated in the Aoba Kumin Festival on Friday, November 3, 2023 as the Aoba Ward Bright Election Promotion Council!
It was fun to take a picture together with Yokohama City Senkyo mascot character Ikot Jr.!
I'm thinking about a fun project next year, so if you come, you may be able to meet me! ?

Erabo Topics

  • ~ September 2023: We were looking for entries for the essay contest! This year, there were 107 entries! For more information, please refer to this page. Check it out!
  • March 18, 2023: At Aobadai Station on the Tokyu Denentoshi Line, we conducted street enlightenment for unified local elections!

Erabo goods

List of Erabo goods made so far
Goods PhotoOverview of Goods

Stuffed toy photo(Image: 9KB)

[Erabo stuffed toy]
I have become a stuffed animal.

We are picking up everyone at the 72nd window on the 4th floor of the ward office.

Photo of nonwoven tote bag(Image: 4KB)

[Erabo nonwoven fabric tote bag]
It's my tote bag.

It's made of nonwoven fabric. A4 size documents are also included, so it's convenient to use them in various situations.

Erabo Report Paper(Image: 161KB)

[Erabo Report Form]
It's my A4 size report paper.

It's very convenient to write a lot.

Clear file photo(Image: 7KB)

[Erabo Clear File]
It's my clear file.

On the back side, there is a basis for the right to vote for 18 years old.

Voting certificate photo(Image: 5KB)

[Senkyo Forum Voting Certificate]
It is a voting certificate distributed to everyone who participated in the voting at the Senkyo Forum held at each elementary school in the city.
You can also use it as a bookmark.

Ballpoint pen photo(Image: 5KB)

[Ballpoint Pen]
It's a ballpoint pen that can be erased even if you write it.
Every year, I presented a pen of my favorite color to everyone who participated in the mock voting at the Aoba Ward Bright Election Promotion Council booth in cultural festival in high school.

Seal photo(Image: 5KB)

It's my seal.
Please put it on wherever you like.

Inquiries to this page

Aoba Ward Bright Election Promotion Council Secretariat

Phone: 045-978-2205

Phone: 045-978-2205

Fax: 045-978-2410

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Page ID: 311-747-621

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