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National elections

Last updated on June 29, 2023.


The division of small constituencies in the lower house has been changed.

With the partial revision of the Public Office Election Law, the division of constituencies in the lower house constituency election election has been partially changed.
New divisions will apply from the lower house general election announced on or after December 28, 2022, the effective date of this Act.
In Motoichi, Seya Ward (5th to 13th wards) and Tsuzuki Ward   (7th and 8th ward to 19th ward) were changed.

After revision

House of Representatives (small constituencies) in Yokohama City

Revision of the classification
ConstituenciesOld Constituencies AreaNew constituencies

District 1

Naka Ward, Isogo Ward, Kanazawa Ward

Naka Ward, Isogo Ward, Kanazawa Ward
2nd wardNishi Ward, Minami Ward, Konan WardNishi Ward, Minami Ward, Konan Ward
3rd wardTsurumi Ward, Kanagawa WardTsurumi Ward, Kanagawa Ward
District 4Sakae Ward (Kamakura, Zushi, Miura-gun)Sakae Ward (Kamakura, Zushi, Miura-gun)
5th wardTotsuka Ward, Izumi Ward, Seya WardTotsuka Ward, Izumi Ward
District 6Hodogaya Ward, Asahi WardHodogaya Ward, Asahi Ward
District 7

Kohoku Ward, Tsuzuki Ward   (Edahigashi, 1-4, Edahigashi, Eda Minamimachi,
Edaminami 1-5 chome, excluding Daimaru)

Kohoku Ward
8th ward

Midori Ward, Aoba Ward,

Tsuzuki Ward   (areas that do not belong to District 7)

Midori Ward, Aoba Ward
13th ward(Yamato City, Ebina City, Zama City (excluding Sagamigaoka area), Kanagawa City)Seya Ward (Yamato City, Kanagawa City)
District 19Tsuzuki Ward   (Miyamae-ku, Kawasaki)

※Only the lower house election constituency will be changed. There is no change in the constituencies of other elections.

Related links

You will be able to vote abroad or open sea voting for the Supreme Court Judge National Examination.

With the partial revision of the Supreme Court Judge's National Examination Act, it is now possible to vote abroad and vote at sea in the Supreme Court Judge's National Examination.

Specifically, please see handbill (PDF: 4,230KB) made by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

Related links

About lower house general election, upper house ordinary election

House of Representatives general election

It consists of a small constituency election that selects one member of the Diet from one constituency, and a proportional representative election that selects members according to the number of votes from political parties, etc., for each constituency (block) that divides the whole country into 11.

●Total constant: 465 (289 single-seat constituencies, 176 proportional representation)
●Term of office: 4 years (but there is dissolution)
●Constant: Small constituencies: Kanagawa Prefecture has 20 constituencies with a fixed number of 20 people.※
    Proportional representative: Kanagawa Prefecture consists of Chiba Prefecture and Yamanashi Prefecture, with a fixed number of 23 people.※
※Applicable from the lower house general election, which is announced for the first time after the enforcement date of the law that partially revises the Public Office Election Law (December 28, 2022).

This is an election to choose half of the House of Councilors.
Since there is no dissolution in the Upper House, it is always due to the expiration of the term (6 years). However, the Constitution stipulates that half of the members of the House of Councilors will be replaced every three years, so once every three years, half of the fixed number will be selected.
The number of members of the House of Councilors is 248, of which 100 are members of the proportional representative and 148 are members of the constituency.

●Term of office: 6 years (however, half will be reelected every 3 years)
●Constant: Kanagawa constituencies: 8 people

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Election Division, Election Administration Commission Secretariat Election Department

Phone: 045-671-3335

Phone: 045-671-3335

Fax: 045-681-6479

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