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Last updated on March 19, 2019.

The text is from here.

Right to vote and right to vote

The right to select a representative and the right to run for a candidate


●Right to vote
The right to vote is one of the rights of the people stipulated in the Constitution of Japan, and can be obtained by Japanese citizens aged 18 and over. However, in order to vote in an election, the name must be listed on the municipality's electoral list.
Once registered in the electoral list, it will be permanently effective except in the case of death or loss of nationality.
To the electoral list page

●Right to be elected

The right to be elected refers to the right to run for an election. The requirements vary depending on the type of election.

[Suffrage and election rights]
Type of electionRight to voteRight to be elected
Mayor of Yokohama electionJapanese citizens aged 18 or older who have Address in Yokohama for more than 3 monthsJapanese citizens aged 25 or older
Yokohama-shi congressist electionPerson who has the right to vote as member of the city council and is 25 years or older
Kanagawa Governor's ElectionJapanese citizens aged 18 or older who have Address in the same municipality in Kanagawa Prefecture for more than 3 monthsJapanese citizens who are over 30 years old
Kanagawa Prefectural Assembly Member ElectionPerson who has the right to vote of prefectural assembly member, and is 25 years or older
House of Representatives electionJapanese citizens aged 18 or olderJapanese citizens aged 25 or older
House of Councilors electionJapanese citizens who are over 30 years old

However, the following persons do not have the right to vote or be elected.

1) Persons who are sentenced to imprisonment or higher and until their execution is completed.
2) Persons who are sentenced to imprisonment or higher and are no longer able to receive their execution (excluding those who are suspended from execution)
3) A person who has been sentenced to bribery for committing a bribery while in public office and has not passed five years (10 years for the right to vote) after the prison term has expired, or has been suspended from execution.
4) Persons who have been sentenced to imprisonment or higher for crimes related to elections stipulated by the Public Office Election Law or other laws and are suspended from execution of such sentences
5) A person who has been sentenced to a fine or higher for a crime related to an election stipulated in the Public Office Election Law and whose right to vote or be elected has been suspended.
6) A person who has been sentenced to a fine or higher due to a crime stipulated in the Electromagnetic Recording Voting Act and whose right to vote or be elected has been suspended.

7) A person who has been sentenced to a fine or higher due to a crime stipulated in the Political Funds Control Law and whose right to vote or be elected has been suspended.

8) Restrictions on the right to be elected through a concurrency system
Concurrent system


In the past, the right to vote was limited to high-priced taxpayers for boys over the age of 25.


At present, if you are a Japanese citizen, you can get the right to vote at the age of 18, but in 1889, it was a right only for men over 25 years old and direct tax taxpayers of 15 yen or more . In 1925, tax payment qualifications were abolished due to the enforcement of the General Election Law, and in 1945, the Election Law, including women's suffrage, was revised, and a complete general election system was realized.
In the case of Yokohama, it became a city in 1889, and at the same time City Counsil was born. At that time, the city council election was a method of dividing the total tax payment into three equal parts and selecting the same number of members (12) from each class. . It was a strict restriction election for only boys aged 25 and over who paid a national tax of 2 yen or more directly. The majority of electors were legislators, and the rich chose the rich.

About the former election system
 Number of ElectionsTax paymentNumber of Members
Class 113 people4,363.501 yen12 people
Level 284 people4,343.166 yen12 people
Grade 3601 people4,322.390 yen12 people
Total698 people13,029.057 yen36 people

Inquiries to this page

Election Division, Election Administration Commission Secretariat Election Department

Phone: 045-671-3335

Phone: 045-671-3335

Fax: 045-681-6479

E-Mail address

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Page ID: 589-799-072


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