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  5. About application (new and renewal) of vouchers for signs and signs posted at political offices

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About application (new and renewal) of vouchers for signs and signs posted at political offices

Last updated on February 26, 2025.

 When a candidate for public office or a sponsoring organization pertaining to a candidate for public office posts a sign or signboard at an office used for political activities, the Election Administration Committee that manages office work related to the election It must be displayed as specified by the committee. (Article 143, Paragraphs 16 and 17 of the Public Office Election Law)
 In addition, the number of notices such as signs and signboards is also determined.

Election targeted for voucher grant of Yokohama-shi board of elections

  1. Mayor of Yokohama election
  2. Yokohama-shi congressist election

Conditions for setting up signs and signboards in political offices

  1. Total number (Article 110-5, No. 6 and No. 7 of the Public Office Election Law Enforcement Order)
    (1) If the candidates are related to the election of the Yokohama City Council member, or the sponsoring organization pertains to the candidates (No. 6)
      ※ If you display your name on the signboard of the government affairs investigation office, you must respond within this number.
    (2) If the candidates are related to the election of the Mayor of Yokohama, or the sponsoring organization pertains to the candidates (No. 7) 10 sheets each
      ※ The sponsoring organization must notify the Kanagawa Election Commission as a political organization and be registered.
  2. Up to two copies in one office (Article 143, Paragraph 16 of the Public Office Election Law)
  3. Within 150cm in height x 40cm in width (Article 143, Paragraph 17 of the Public Office Election Law)
    Note! Those with legs include the legs.
  4. Voucher issued by Yokohama-shi board of elections is displayed (pasted)
  5. Limited to those used at the location of the office used for political activities, and cannot be posted in places where there is no entity (such as vacant lots) of the office.

About reissuance of vouchers

 If the voucher becomes unusable or lost due to damage or damage, please apply for a reissue.
 ※ Please contact us for more information.

Changes in Notification Items

 If there is a change in the notification items related to the voucher, please submit a transfer notification.
 ※ Please contact us for more information.

Return of vouchers

 If any of the following events occur, please return the voucher immediately.

  1. When you stop posting signs
  2. When the type of election pertaining to the issuance of vouchers is changed
  3. When you are no longer a candidate for public office or a supporting organization

Forms of Application Forms

1 Application form for issuing vouchers
 Portable Document FormatWord formatExample of description

Candidates for Public Office, etc.

PDF format (PDF: 198KB)Word format (word: 22KB)Example of description (PDF: 411KB)
For supporting organizationsPDF format (PDF: 304KB)Word format (word: 22KB)Example of description (PDF: 478KB)

2 Application Form for Reissue of Certificates
 Portable Document FormatWord format
Candidates for Public Office, etc.PDF format (PDF: 192KB)Word format (word: 17KB)
For supporting organizationsPDF format (PDF: 240KB)Word format (word: 17KB)
3. Pledge (submitted at the same time as the application for reissuance of vouchers)
 Portable Document FormatWord format
Candidates for Public Office, etc.PDF format (PDF: 187KB)Word format (word: 24KB)
For supporting organizationsPDF format (PDF: 240KB)Word format (word: 24KB)
4 Notification of Change
 Portable Document FormatWord format
Candidates for Public Office, etc.PDF format (PDF: 191KB)Word format (word: 17KB)
For supporting organizationsPDF format (PDF: 239KB)Word format (word: 17KB)

For inquiries regarding vouchers

 City of Yokohama, Election Administration Commission Secretariat Election Section Election Section
 Phone: 045-671-3336

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Inquiries to this page

Election Division, Election Administration Commission Secretariat Election Department

Phone: 045-671-3335

Phone: 045-671-3335

Fax: 045-681-6479

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 621-395-992


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