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- Kirat Asahi Welfare Tournament
- The 13th Kirat Asahi Welfare Tournament (FY2024)
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The 13th Kirat Asahi Welfare Tournament (FY2024)
At the Kirat Asahi Welfare Tournament, we commend the achievements of those who have been involved in welfare and health activities in the community for many years, as well as the activities of the Kirat Asahi Plan (4th Asahi Ward Community Welfare and Health Plan), as well as information useful for activities. We look forward to your application!
Last updated on December 27, 2024.
The 13th Kirat Asahi Welfare Tournament Flyer (PDF: 433KB)
Opening act
Performance by organizations with disabilities
Part 1
Introduction of Social Welfare Achievement Award Winners
Part 2
Practical report (theme: a town where each person can be themselves)
Mr. Seiji Ikeda (Director, Planning Department, Japan National Council of Social Welfare, Yokohama)
・Futamatagawa District Studio Ariare "From interaction between people with disabilities and children"
Elementary school students come to a workshop used by people with higher brain dysfunction, and users become "teachers".
Think of an exchange full of smiles and energy that comes from encounters.
・Futamatagawa New Town District Japan National Council of Social Welfare "From Student and Community Exchange"
This section introduces cases in which the district's Kagayaki Club cooperated with a vocational school, where the community and students interacted in various situations and connected different generations.
Date and time
From 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Saturday, February 8, 2025
※ The opening time is 1:30 p.m.
Asahi public hall (1-4-12, Tsurugamine, Asahi-ku)
On the day, please take the elevator to the 4th floor from the underground entrance of Asahi Ward Hall.
How to apply
Please send required items (name, affiliation, contact information) to the Japan National Council of Social Welfare in Asahi-ku, Yokohama by telephone, e-mail or fax.
Please contact us for application by Monday, January 27, 2025.
Japan National Council of Social Welfare, Asahi Ward Union Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations Liaison Council, Asahi Ward Office
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