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Food Sanitation Laboratory

Last updated on December 20, 2023.

1 Organization

2 In each market, laboratories have been set up in order to ensure food hygiene, and food distributed in the market is inspected. Each laboratory belongs to the City of Yokohama, Medical Care Bureau Health and Safety Department, and together with the Health and Welfare Center of each district, is responsible for food hygiene practices in Yokohama.

Food Sanitation Laboratory
Medical Care Bureau Health and Safety DepartmentHome Food Sanitation Laboratory
Phone number 045-441-1153
Meat Sanitation Laboratory
Phone number 045(511) 5812

2. Operations at the laboratory

Home Food Sanitation Laboratory

Based on the Food Sanitation Law, we conduct monitoring and guidance and food removal inspections for facilities that handle food in the market, and provide administrative sanctions and improvement guidance for violations and defective foods.
Home Food Sanitation Laboratory website

Meat Sanitation Laboratory

Based on the Slaughterhouse Law, we inspect meat animals (cows, pigs, horses, sheep, goats) one by one to prevent meat distribution that is unsuitable for edible, and provide hygiene guidance at slaughterhouses.
In accordance with the Food Sanitation Law, we conduct monitoring and guidance on facilities handling food in the market and conduct removal inspections.
Based on the rules of the business of poultry processing and the law on poultry inspection, we provide monitoring and guidance for poultry processing plants in the city.
Meat Sanitation Laboratory website

Inquiries to this page

Economic Affairs Bureau Central Wholesale Market Operation Coordination Division

Phone: 045-459-3323

Phone: 045-459-3323

Fax: 045-459-3307

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 419-236-509


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