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Meat Market Facility Information

Last updated on February 25, 2025.


Shows a map of Yokohama meat market.
Map of Yokohama Meat Market

The meat market in Yokohama is a market dealing with beef and pork, and a meat market with a slaughterhouse that consistently performs everything from collection to meat production to auction in order to stably supply fresh, safe and secure meat. .
In the production of meat, as measures such as O-157 and BSE, we conduct thorough hygiene management and conduct various research and ingenuity to make fresh meat to provide delicious meat to citizens. .

Yokohama Meat Market Guidebook (PDF: 3,509KB)

Introduction of HACCP systems

The Yokohama Meat Market has introduced the HACCP system!

What is HACCP?
This is an advanced hygiene management method recommended by the Codex Committee, a United Nations agency, and is an abbreviation of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, a harm analysis and important control point method. We will introduce the HACCP method to provide safer and more secure meat.


Fresh meat is rated 15 levels by staff of specialized rating agencies based on national uniform standards.

State of the auction

The rated meat moves around the hall in order, and middle wholesalers and trading participants are auctioned by lightning.

In this market, there are fairs held to collect high-quality carcasses, and study sessions (product fairs) for shippers to improve themselves.
In this market, the name of the association varies depending on the implementing entity, although the name of the association varies.
Example: Meat Fair, Kyokai, Carcass Study Group, etc.

[Click here for the results of the main encouragement party]
The 36th Yokohama Meat Market Meat Fair (held on Friday, April 19, 2024)

Introduction of Market Brands

In order to deliver safe and delicious meat to consumers at reasonable prices, the Yokohama Meat Market has created Japan's first market-based brand unlike other production brands.
Wagyu beef "Yokohama beef from market", crossed beef "Yokohama market F50", dairy cow "Hama beef", and internal organs "Hamamotsu from market", all of which are trusted by the Yokohama meat market with confidence and responsibility. It is a brand origin brand.

Meat Sanitation Laboratory

The Meat Sanitation Laboratory in the meat market conducts “Slaughter Inspection” based on the Slaughterhouse Law. And livestock inspection is to check the health status of cattle, pigs, horses, sheep, and goats one by one for edible use. This test is conducted by a veterinarian-qualified animal inspector. For lesions that cannot be determined by the naked eye, only meat suitable for edible consumption is passed. In addition, we conduct various inspections as needed to ensure safe meat supply.

Shows the work of the pathology room.
Work in the Pathology Office

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Inquiries to this page

Economic Affairs Bureau Central Wholesale Market Meat Market Management Division

Phone: 045-511-0446

Phone: 045-511-0446

Fax: 045-502-5989

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 994-514-724


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