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Home Facility Information

Last updated on July 8, 2021.

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Image of the Fisheries Department Wholesale Plant

This is a wholesale yard of the Fisheries Department.
Fresh fish taken from fishing boats at the port are transported by truck from all over the country.
The large floor is covered with a number of boxes containing fish.
Processed products such as dried fish and kamaboko are also lined up at this wholesale shop.

Image of live fish aquarium

This is a live fish tank.
Here, fish that have been carried alive on a truck with an aquarium are sold to shops alive.

Image of an ultra-low temperature freezer

It is an ultra-low temperature freezer in the indoor cargo handling area.
It is stored at -55 ° C to prevent the quality of fish frozen and transported in the ship from deteriorating.

Image of tuna low temperature wholesale plant

Tuna lined up in a narrow space. The wholesale yard of frozen and raw tuna is in a very low temperature room.
Before the auction, a wholesaler will make a product here.

Image of a tuna auction field

Wholesalers, middle wholesalers, and trading participants gather to auction tuna.
We will communicate the amount of fish with the movement of the fingers and conduct transactions.

Image of the Fisheries Department Naka Wholesale Plant

This is the sales floor for wholesalers.
We sell the items bought at the auction to retailers and restaurants who came to buy them along with shops in the market.

Image of fruit and vegetable wholesale plant

This is a fruit and vegetable department wholesale shop dealing with vegetables and fruits.
Brokers decide how much to buy fresh vegetables and fruits brought from production areas nationwide.

Images of fruits and vegetables and auction fields

It's a pattern of the fruit and vegetable.
Fresh products of good quality are voiced by many people and compete in price.
Here, it cannot be said that you are not a registered trader with Yokohama City.
Do you know that the hat has a number?

Image of the Fruit and Vegetables Department Naka Wholesale Plant

This is the sales floor for wholesalers.
Vegetables and fruits bought at auctions are lined up in your own shop and sold to buyers.

Image of related buildings

In this related building, there are shops dealing with cooking utensils such as pots and kitchen knives, as well as various ingredients such as tea, dried food, bottled, etc., so that professionals who use the authentic area can be convenient.

Image of the cafeteria

In the related building, there is also a cafeteria and sushi shop for people working in the market.

Image of Styrofoam processing

This is a recycling facility for styrofoam containers that come out of the hall.
Styrofoam is finely crushed, and the high heat generated at that time is used to create blocks that are used as raw materials for plastics.

Image of Food Sanitation Laboratory

There is a food hygiene laboratory for the safety and security of perishables handled in the market.
We conduct daily inspections of additives and pesticides in foods handled in the market, as well as chemical tests and bacteria tests to check shellfish poisons.

Inquiries to this page

Economic Affairs Bureau Central Wholesale Market Operation Coordination Division

Phone: 045-459-3323

Phone: 045-459-3323

Fax: 045-459-3307

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 918-900-419


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