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Teruo Miyazaki Meister (Lakerware Craftsman)

Last updated on January 11, 2023.

Teruo Miyazaki Meister Face photo

Teruo Miyazaki
Lacquerware Craftsman

Fiscal 1996 Selection (1st term)
Lives and works in Minami Ward

  • Born in 1936, Born in Yokohama
  • In 1997, along with the shrine dissembling and reconstruction Samukawa-jinja Shrine, raden was prepared.
  • Preparation of raden following the restoration of the National Treasure Chuson-ji Temple Kinjido inner sanctum Pillar and raden Octagon Sumitan in 1999

The beauty of Shibayama lacquerware, which combines various parts with lacquer, will be brought to future generations.

"Even Japanese traditional crafts, there is nothing that uses as many materials as Shibayama to create the beauty of the work," "The three-dimensional effect that is not found in painting, the exquisite combination with lacquer, and the fields that originally exist separately Is the charm of Shibayama lacquerware. If you have this possessed, you will not be able to stop even if you suffer. I will only leave this skill in any way," says Miyazaki.

"Shibayama lacquerware is a craft with a history since its opening of the port, and is recognized in foreign countries. I want you to have a feeling of cherishing tradition in order to preserve and pass on the excellent skills of your predecessors. "

In addition to working on national treasure-class antiques, we are working to pass on skills by holding exhibitions and workshops at the Yokohama Shibayama Lacquerware Study Group.

Meister's skill

Work by Teruo Miyazaki Meister

In addition to the skills of making Shibayama (shells and ivory crafts that fit in a relief in lacquerware) by themselves, he excels in decoration techniques such as kyushitsu, raden, Heimon and Makie.

In addition, he learns the techniques of Japanese painting from a painter, works on copying, drawing, and sketching antique works, and makes full use of the techniques of painters and painters to create elaborate patterns in lacquerware.


The inlay work of Teruo Miyazaki Meister

Born in Yokohama.

He grew up in Shibayama's house from his grandfather's generation, entered the path of Shibayama lacquerware from the age of 15, and acquired inlay techniques from his father.

In addition, he studied under Shibayama teachers Shinpei Sugiyama and Matsugoro Hirata to learn Shibayama sculpture.

Since then, while surrounding craftsmen have been transferred to work, he has been particular about this path while repairing antiques such as shrines and temples Buddhist temples.

Major Awards

  • 2003 Received the Director-General's Award of Manufacturing Industry, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (7th Japan Ivory Crafts Exhibition)
  • Received the Encouragement Prize in 2003 (15th Japan Ivory Sculpture Memorial Exhibition Netsuki)
  • Received the Yokohama Culture Award in 2010
  • 2010 Golden Dragon Award (Kinsey International Art Foundation: United States)
  • 2019 Kanagawa Culture Award
  • Received the 2022 Local Cultural Merit Award (Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)

You can meet the skills of Meister here!

2-263, Horinouchicho, Minami-ku, Yokohama-shi
Phone: 045-715-1548

Inquiries to this page

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