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Koji Mizumori Meister (obi tailoring)

Last updated on March 23, 2022.

Koji Mizumori Meister Face photo

Mizumori Koji
Obi tailoring

Selected in FY2015 (20th term)
Lives and works in Totsuka Ward

  • Born in 1943, from Ishikawa Prefecture
  • Established in 45, Showa
  • Vocational Training Instructor (Japanese dressmaking department)
  • He has served as Vice President of the Kanagawa Prefectural Kimono Sewing Cooperative, Vice Chairman of the Kanagawa Prefectural Japanese Training Association, Vice Chairman of the Kanagawa Prefectural Federation of Engineers Associations, and General Affairs and Accounting of the Federation of Japanese dressmaking organizations.
  • Yokohama Encyclopedia "(J: COM) Appearance video (outside site)

I want to deliver a belt that I can convince to customers.

Mr. Mizumori has been valued "to provide customers with works that they can convince" and "to always keep promises and build relationships of trust with customers".

Mizumori says, "It is important not just to proceed with the work, but always think about it," says Mizumori, according to the type and pattern of the fabric, adjusts the texture and the size of the seams based on the sense he has cultivated over many years, and has been exploring the ease of tightening each belt.

In the future, he says he wants to talk directly with the customer and set up a store where he can create a obi that matches the customer's preferences and body shape.

Mr. Mizumori, who says, "I want to convey the skills by releasing the skills of obi tailoring as much as possible," serves as a lecturer at a workshop at the organization to which he belongs, and conveys the skills to his disciples in his company and fosters successors. It has been working on.

Meister's skill

Koji Mizumori Meister's work

Generally, in the production of obi tailoring, a table with a length of 180 cm is placed sideways to the worker.

Mr. Mizumori devised a method of placing a 70cm-long table vertically toward the worker in order to finish the kiset (fold) straight.

In addition, the sharpness of the core cut kitchen knife is important to cut the core straight. For this reason, we use a small core kitchen knife that is easy to sharpen.

In addition, the belt is used to erase the steps using the core to prevent the obi from scratching, and the belt is devised to make the obi longer and to improve the comfort of the obi.


Tools of Koji Mizumori Meister

He is a cousin and entered as an apprentice under a teacher who runs a tailor specializing in obi in Tokyo.

After 11 years of training, he became independent at the age of 26 and established Obiyasu.

In addition to devising obis that can be easily and beautifully tightened, we will also work on dressing guidance and actively promote obi and Japanese clothing culture.

Major Awards

  • 2003 Yokohama City Skilled Workers Award (Mayor of Yokohama)
  • 2012 Kanagawa Prefectural Excellent Skilled Engineer Award (Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture)
  • Received the 2014 "Contemporary Master Craftsman (Excellent Skilled Workers)" Award (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)
  • Received the Medal with Yellow Ribbon in 2015

You can meet the skills of Meister here!

Obiyasu Co., Ltd.
92-2, Fukayacho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama-shi
Phone: 045-851-7745

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