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Akio Arakawa Meister (landscaping)

Last updated on February 1, 2021.

Akio Arakawa Meister Face photo

Akio Arakawa

Fiscal 2007 Selection (12th term)
Lives and works in Midori Ward

  • Born in 1945, from Tokyo
  • After graduating from the Department of Landscaping at Tokyo University of Agriculture, he trained under gardeners in Tokyo and Shiga Prefecture, and founded Niwako Arakawa.
  • 1st-class landscaping technician, 1st-class landscaping construction management technician, vocational training instructor, Monozukuri Meister (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
  • “Yokohamajin Encyclopedia” (J: COM) Appearance video (outside site)

You can't have a garden if you don't please.

Mr. Arakawa tries to make a watermark (pruning) that makes the trees happy and lively.

"A good garden is a garden where you will forget its existence in front of the garden," he says, and is working on creating a garden that reflects the life and thoughts of the client and the creator.

Since 1999, Kirigaoka Ryokusha has been launched locally, recruiting participants from the community, and providing guidance on landscaping in general and local activities. .

In addition, we are focusing on fostering young technicians, such as serving as a lecturer at a training school certified by the Kanagawa Landscaping Association.

Meister's skill

The work of Akio Arakawa Meister

Inheriting traditional Japanese gardening techniques, we flexibly adopt new techniques that respond to changes in the times, search for commonalities between gardens in other countries and Japanese gardens, and actively incorporate excellent points.

Another characteristic of Arakawa's gardening lies in the use of stones.

Taking advantage of the experience of training in Kansai and the experience of visiting domestic shrines and temples and archeological sites around the world, the fusion of ancient masonry from other countries, such as the traditional Japanese masonry and Puru Inca, the Maya of Mexico, and the Roman Empire of the Mediterranean Sea, We pursue harmony between natural stones and different stones such as processed stones.


The work of Akio Arakawa Meister

Although I entered a commercial high school at the recommendation of my parents, I feel that craftsmen who use everything to build something from nothing is better than bookkeeping or abacus.

In the local area, there are many gardeners who enter and leave the mansion from the Edo period, and they naturally proceed to the world of landscaping.

While studying at university, take a vacation to study in Kyoto. After graduating from university, he studied under a gardener and studied in the garden of Machiya and the garden of tea garden.

In addition, he studied Kyoto style garden in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture. He returned to Yokohama at the age of 35 and founded Niwako Arakawa.

In addition to working on the construction of Ueno Kanei-ji Temple, Shinyo-in Temple, the current Ryu-in Temple, and Haruse-in Temple, he was involved in the restoration of Sojijiji Zensho-anji Temple in 2004.

Major Awards

  • Received the 1979 Shiga Prefectural Skills Competition First Class Landscaping Work Excellence Award (Shiga Prefecture)
  • 1998 Kanagawa Prefecture Excellent Skilled Engineer Award (Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture)
  • 2012 Kanagawa Prefectural Excellent Skilled Engineer Award (Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture)

You can meet the skills of Meister here!

Niwako Arakawa Co., Ltd.
3-24-5-108, Kirigaoka, Midori-ku, Yokohama-shi
Phone: 045-921-5827

Inquiries to this page

Employment and Labor Division, Civil Economic and Labor Department, Economic Affairs Bureau

Phone: 045-671-4098

Phone: 045-671-4098

Fax: 045-664-9188

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