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- Support for the formulation of “Business Continuity Strengthening Plan”
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Support for the formulation of “Business Continuity Strengthening Plan”
In Yokohama City, we are promoting support for the formulation of the “Business Continuity Strengthening Plan” established by the government in order for small and medium-sized enterprises in the city to reduce the damage caused by natural disasters and infectious diseases and continue their business.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
- Corporate Seminars
- What is the “Business Continuity Strengthening Plan”?
- Leaflet introducing “Business Continuity Strengthening Plan”
- Consultation desk for planning
Seminar for companies [held on Thursday, October 24, 2024]
We will hold seminars on "Disaster Prevention Measures for Small and Medium Enterprises" and "BCP / Business Continuity Enhancement Plan" for companies.
- Date and time: From 15:00 to 17:00 on Thursday, October 24, 2024
- Venue: Sompo Japan Yokohama Basyamichi Building 4F Large Conference Room (5-70 Bentendori, Naka-ku, Yokohama) ※Online (Webex) Simultaneous distribution available
- Target: Companies, sole proprietors, etc. (Everyone can participate.)
- Costs: Free of charge
- Lecturer: Mr. Atsuko Tanaka (Video Producer, SORA1 Co., Ltd. (Solawan))
- Implementation details: [Part 1] Lecture by Mr. Tanaka "Learning from Great East Japan Earthquake: Disaster Prevention and Reconstruction of Small and Medium Enterprises"
[Part 2] Commentary on points for formulating BCP and business continuity enhancement plans by experts, etc.
- Application: Not Available
- Co-sponsored by: Kanagawa
- Support: Kanagawa Sangyo Shinko Center, Yokohama Corporate Management Support Foundation
- Cooperation: Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. (* Initiatives based on a comprehensive partnership agreement with Yokohama City)
Click here for the flyer (PDF: 638KB)
Kanto Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry | ・Risk Finance Judgment Sheet (PDF: 1,493KB) |
Kanagawa | ・Kanagawa BCP creation support specialist dispatch business (PDF: 1,058KB) |
Yokohama-shi | ・One-stop management consultation counter flyer (PDF: 1,413KB) |
What is the “Business Continuity Strengthening Plan”?
The “Business Continuity Strengthening Plan” describes necessary items such as disaster countermeasures to be implemented in the future by SMEs recognizing their own disaster risks.
Under the "Small and Medium Enterprise Reinforcement Act", which came into effect in July 2019, a system was established in which the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry certifies the plan.
Small and medium-sized enterprises that have been approved for the plan can receive preferential treatment such as manufacturing subsidies.
For details on the “Business Continuity Strengthening Plan” certification system, please check the website of the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency.
Small and Medium Enterprise Agency website
Business Continuity Strengthening Plan | Small and Medium Enterprise Agency (meti.go.jp) (outside site)
In addition, the Small and Medium Enterprise Infrastructure Development Organization will carry out various projects, such as dissemination and enlightenment through the publication of symposiums and examples of development, and dispatch of experts for planning.
For details, please refer to the following website and use it to formulate a plan to strengthen business continuity.
Incorporated Administrative Agency Small and Medium Enterprise Infrastructure Development Organization website
https://kyoujinnka.smrj.go.jp/ (external site)
Leaflet introducing “Business Continuity Strengthening Plan”
In Yokohama City, with the cooperation of Sompo Japan Insurance Inc., we have created a leaflet introducing the “Business Continuity Enhancement Plan”.
You can download the leaflet from the link below.
※Yokohama City and Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. have concluded a “Comprehensive Cooperation Agreement on Regional Revitalization” with the aim of improving citizen services and revitalizing the region in the fields of local security, security, disaster countermeasures, etc. .
"Business continuity enhancement plan" introduction leaflet (A4.4 pages) (PDF: 2,205KB)
[For printing] "Business continuity enhancement plan" introduction leaflet (A3.2 pages) (PDF: 2,227KB)
They are located in Public Relations Section, IDEC Yokohama and Economic Affairs Bureau on the 31st floor of Yokohama City Hall.
Consultation desk for planning
The Yokohama Corporate Management Support Foundation (IDEC Yokohama) provides consultation on the formulation of "Business Continuity Enhancement Plan" and "BCP" and overall management.
I'm giving advice for free.
Yokohama Corporate Management Support Foundation (IDEC Yokohama) website
https://www.idec.or.jp/business/soudan/onestop.html (external site)
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Economic Affairs Bureau Small and Medium Enterprise Fisheries Promotion Department Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion Division
Phone: 045-671-4236
Phone: 045-671-4236
Fax: 045-664-4867
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Page ID: 579-415-495