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  5. Efforts to pass on appropriate prices

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Efforts to pass on appropriate prices

In order to achieve an appropriate price pass-through, it is important to take drastic price negotiations. In negotiations, it is important to make firm preparations, including clearly showing the reasons for the need to pass on prices, such as the rise in costs.                                                          Below, we introduce consultation counters for price negotiations, support tools, partnership building declarations, know-how that can be used for price negotiations, etc. Please use it.

Last updated on March 5, 2025.

What is price transfer?

Price pass-through is to appropriately reflect the rise in purchase prices and costs in transactions in sales prices. This makes it possible for businesses to conduct sustainable management, increase wages to employees, and support corporate growth.

Support for price negotiations

Inquiry counter

  • At the Kanagawa Prefectural Support Center, we have set up a support window so that subcontractors can pass on prices appropriately, and support the acquisition of basic knowledge on price negotiations and cost calculation methods.
  • "IDEC Yokohama" provides free consultation and advice on issues related to overall management, including price transfer, at one-stop management consultation desks.
  • "Subcontracting Komiji" accepts consultations on business concerns for small and medium-sized businesses, sole proprietors, and freelancers.
Inquiry counter
Contact information TEL Location Consultation time
Kanagawa Prefectural Support Center (outside site) 045-633-5071 5-80, Onoue-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama (4th floor, Kanagawa Small and Medium Enterprise Center Building) Weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00
IDEC Yokohama (outside site) 045-225-3711 11, Nihon Odori, Naka-ku, Yokohama (7th floor of Yokohama Media and Communications Center) Weekdays from 9:30 to 16:30
Subcontract Kakekomi-ji Temple (Kanagawa Sangyo Shinko Center) (outside site) 0120-418-618 5-80, Onoue-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama (4th floor, Kanagawa Small and Medium Enterprise Center Building) Weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00

Support tool

Using a tool created by Saitama Prefecture, you can easily create materials that show the effects of major raw material prices and price fluctuations on companies.

On the website of the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, a handbook for price negotiations and examples of initiatives by ordering companies are posted.

Declaration of Partnership Building

The “Partnership Building Declaration” aims to increase the added value of the entire supply chain and coexist and co-prosper between large companies and small and medium-sized enterprises. It declares the construction of a new partnership.
“Declaration of Partnership Building” portal site (outside site)
"Declaration of Partnership Building" Information Flyer (PDF: 791KB)

Preferential treatment

As a preferential treatment for small and medium-sized enterprises registered in the Partnership Building Declaration, we have prepared a public business tie-up type fund (Yokohama City Small and Medium Enterprise Loan System), which is a loan to working capital.

Price Negotiation Promotion Month

Every March and September are “Price Negotiation Promotion Month” that promotes efforts to encourage SMEs to properly pass on increases in labor and raw material costs to transaction prices. During this period, the government and related organizations will set up guidelines, seminars, and consultation desks to provide support to improve the negotiation skills of companies and prevent problems.
In addition, we conduct questionnaires for small and medium-sized enterprises on the implementation status of price negotiations and price pass-through, and disclose the survey results (actuality of price negotiations and price pass-through).

Reference information (know-how available for price negotiations, etc.)

In Yokohama City, we conducted the 131st Yokohama City Business Conditions and Management Trend Survey (conducted in December 2024) (special survey)-a survey on wage increases and price pass-through-on. We summarize findings such as wage increase conduct situation of city company, factor that we were able to pass on price.

Regarding price negotiations related to the transfer of labor costs, the actions to be taken by the ordering party and the contractor and the actions required by the Cabinet Secretariat and the Fair Trade Commission are jointly organized as 12 action guidelines.

The tools that should be prepared for price negotiations with business partners and points that should be kept in mind when conducting negotiations are summarized in an easy-to-understand manner.

Understand what kind of transaction activities may fall under the violation of laws and regulations of the parent business operator, how it is effective to proceed with negotiations, etc. Can be used as one of the materials for examining specific procedures for negotiations.

This is a summary site of the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency regarding price negotiations.

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Inquiries to this page

Economic Affairs Bureau Small and Medium Enterprise Fisheries Promotion Department Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion Division

Phone: 045-671-4236

Phone: 045-671-4236

Fax: 045-664-4867

E-Mail address [email protected]

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