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Health Management
Last updated on April 1, 2024.
Promotion of Health Management
- Health Management Certification System
- Health management support base
- Measurement of Effect of Health Management
- Holding health management seminars
Based on the belief that efforts to maintain and promote employee health are investments to increase profitability in the future, health management is to implement health promotion and other measures from a management perspective and strategically implement them. By conducting health management, we can expect various effects, such as improving productivity and image, as well as recruiting effects. (Health management is a registered trademark of the Non-Profit Organization Health Management Study Group.)
In Yokohama City, Economic Affairs Bureau, which is responsible for revitalizing the city's economy, and Health and Social Welfare Bureau, which is responsible for promoting health management.
Health Management Certification System
In Yokohama City, we believe that efforts to maintain and promote the health of employees, etc. are investment to increase the profitability of companies in the future, and consider the health promotion of employees, etc. from a management perspective and implement them strategically. In order to widely disseminate the concept of “health management” widely, we have certified offices that engage in health management as Yokohama Health Management Certification Offices.
For details, please see the Yokohama Health Management Certification System page.
Health management support base
In Yokohama City, we have established a “Health Management Support Base” at a corporate cluster to promote and promote health management for neighboring companies.
At the Health Management Support Center, we hold free seminars on health management initiatives and mental health every month, conduct self-checks of health using health equipment, and hold health-related consultations.
Shin-Yokohama Wellness Center (5th floor, Shin-Yokohama, 2-15-10YS Building, Kohoku-ku)
Installation and operation company: Biocommunications Co., Ltd.
It was established in September 2017 as the prefecture's first health management support base.
For events and seminar information, please check the Shin-Yokohama Wellness Center website (outside site).
Shin-Yokohama Wellness Center Map and Venue
LINKAI Yokohama Kanazawa Wellness Center (13-7 Torihama-cho, Kanazawa-ku)
Installation and operation company: Kanagawa Preventive Medicine Association
It was established in July 2018 as a health management support base in the southern part of the city.
For events and seminar information, please check the LINKAI Yokohama Kanazawa Wellness Center website (outside site).
Yokohama Station Wellness Center (Main venue: 2-1-22 Minamiko, Nishi-ku (6th floor of Sotetsu Mu Building))
Installation and operation company: Well Up Co., Ltd.
It was established in June 2019 as a health management support base at the third locations in the city.
For events and seminar information, please check the Yokohama Station Wellness Center website (outside site).
※Based on the results of seminars and measurement experience sessions that lead to the spread of health management, in March 2022, we concluded a partnership agreement with Biocommunications Co., Ltd., which operates three bases, Kanagawa Preventive Medicine Association, and Well Up Co., Ltd., to establish and operate a health management support base from FY2022 to FY2026. Specifically, please see Yokohama-shi press release document.
Measurement of Effect of Health Management
In Yokohama City, we are working with the University of Tokyo Policy Vision Research Center to measure the effects of health management.
In fiscal 2017, we conducted pre- and post-survey surveys and interviews at six Yokohama Health Management Certification Offices to clarify the relationship between health risks and labor productivity losses. Specifically, please see Yokohama-shi press release document.
We will continue to measure the effects from FY2018 onwards.
Holding health management seminars
In Yokohama City, we hold health management seminars with the aim of promoting “health management” at city offices and promoting initiatives. In addition to informing the latest information on health management, we have the city offices speak to report and share examples of initiatives.
The 4th Yokohama Health Management Council (outside site) (January 20, 2020)
Lecture materials
The 3rd Yokohama Health Management Council (outside site) (February 20, 2019)
Lecture materials
The 2nd Yokohama Health Management Council (outside site) (February 15, 2018)
Yokohama Health Management Council (outside site) (November 11, 2016)
Yokohama Wellness Partners [* End of FY2023]
"Yokohama Wellness Partners" ended its business at the end of March 2024.
Other businesses that replace this business include Yokohama Health Management Certification and Health Management Support Bases.
Please consider obtaining certification or registering.
※ Click here for information on a business to replace Yokohama Wellness Partners (PDF: 206KB)
Contact information
About health management: City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Health Promotion Division Telephone: 045-671-2454
Economic Affairs Bureau Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion Division, Yokohama City Telephone: 045-671-4236
Innovation in the health and medical fields
: Yokohama City Economic Affairs Bureau Innovation Promotion Division Telephone: 045-671-4600
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Economic Affairs Bureau Small and Medium Enterprise Fisheries Promotion Department Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion Division
Phone: 045-671-4236
Phone: 045-671-4236
Fax: 045-664-4867
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 483-613-518