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- Work Style Reform Related
Last updated on October 1, 2023.
The text is from here.
Work Style Reform Related
In this page, through various work styles including telework, we will introduce various and flexible work styles for small and medium-sized enterprises and citizens in the city so that they can work easily. .
About telework
The "Telework Comprehensive Portal Site", a portal site established by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, provides a variety of information related to telework, so please use it.
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare “Telework Comprehensive Portal Site” (outside site)
About freelance
On the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's website, you can see various information such as guidelines on freelance for those who work as freelance and those who outsource work to freelance.
Prevention of overwork death
In November 2014, the Act on Promotion of Measures to Prevent Overwork Death was enacted, and in July 2021, the government established the "General Rules on Measures to Prevent Overwork Death". The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) and other relevant organizations will be informed about initiatives aimed at achieving zero overwork death.
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare “Measures to Prevent Overwork Death” (outside site)
Yokohama-shi labor information, consultation corner "consultation room of worker" (outside site)
National Center for Promotion of Measures to Prevent Overwork Death (outside site)
Family Association (outside site) Considering Overwork Death
Overwork death No. 110 (outside site)
Symposium on measures to prevent overwork death (held on November 2, 2023) (outside site)
Consultation Service in Yokohama City
Other Related Sites
Kanagawa's “Work Style Reform” and initiatives for overwork (outside site)
Kanagawa Workstyle Reform Promotion Support Center (outside site)
The Kanagawa Work Style Reform Promotion Support Center responds to consultations on work style reforms for small and medium-sized business owners.
(Executed in previous years) Online seminar "Basic knowledge of childcare leave and new mechanism from FY2022" "Is this harassment too? ~ Gray Zones lurking in you ~"
Details of implementation
In fiscal 2022, we focused on the details of the revision and countermeasures for the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act and the Act on the Regulation of Women's Participation and Harassment, which were required by many companies.
In addition to corporate managers, personnel and labor managers, we implemented a system that can be used by employees in an easy-to-understand manner.
Online seminar flyer (FY2021) (PDF: 7,618KB)
Part 1 “Basic knowledge of childcare leave and new mechanisms from FY2022” (15 minutes)
We introduced examples of how to take childcare leave, patterns and benefits for couples.
■Main topics
・Overview of Childcare Leave System (Special “Daddy Leave” for parents to take part in cooperation with their parents.
"Daddy Mom Childcare Leave Plus" etc.
・Childcare leave benefits (including income during childcare leave)
・Timing and Period of Childcare Leave (Introducing the four patterns acquired by couples)
(Acquired in two separate installments immediately after giving birth and after returning to wife, etc.))
・Revision of the Childcare and Family Care Leave Act (enforced on April 1, 2022)
Part 2 "Is this also a harassment? ~ Gray Zone lurking in you ~" (15 minutes)
I will explain the stages and types of harassment that progress.
■Main topics
・Overview of Harassment Regulation Law
(large companies mandatory from June 2020, small and medium-sized enterprises from April 2022, etc.)
・Type of harassment in the workplace
・"Power harassment" stage ("Power harassment" to "Unrepairable state"
Introducing the four stages up to that point)
・About "Matahara and Pattahara"
・To prevent harassment (practical points)
(Previous fiscal year business) Online seminar "WITH Corona Work Style Reform"
Details of implementation
Online seminar flyer (FY2020) (PDF: 2,898KB)
Part 1 “Points of the same wage as the situation of telework”-Kanagawa Work Style Reform Promotion Support Center Social Insurance and Labor Consultant Hidemi Kiryu-(30 minutes)
We explained the current status of teleworking by companies, which have been introduced due to the impact of COVID-19 infection, and introduced points to be addressed regarding the “Same Wage and Equal Work System” that came into effect in April 2021.
Part 2 “A variety of corporate support menus that are still available and planned in the future”-by representatives from the country, Kanagawa Prefecture, and Yokohama City (30 minutes)
Persons in charge of the government (Work Style Reform Promotion Support Center), Kanagawa Prefecture, and Yokohama City introduced the support menu for companies and employees that can be used and those that are scheduled to be implemented in the future. I did it.
Part 3 “Interview with“ Work Style Reform ” Companies”-Oak Co., Ltd. (IT Company) / Seiko Yoshioka Co., Ltd. (Manufacturing Industry)-(20 minutes)
What is the hurdle for small and medium-sized enterprises in Yokohama, which have been promoting work style reforms?
He collided, asked what measures he took and overcome, and what to do in the future.
Interview with Oak Corporation (IT company)
From an IT company in the city that has been working on work style reforms from an early stage and has been selected as one of the "100 Telework Pioneers" (implemented by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications).
We talked about follow-up to employees who were careful when moving to the telework system, the personnel system, and the difficulty of educating newcomers.
Interview with Yoshioka Seiko Co., Ltd. (manufacturing)
A company that manufactures semiconductor-related equipment and is certified as a “Yokohama Intellectual Property Mirai Company” (conducted in Economic Affairs Bureau, Yokohama).
He talked about efficiency through digitalization of paper and telework in the manufacturing industry.
(Previous fiscal year business) Yokohama Workstyle Innovation Promotion Project
As the working population declined, we promoted measures to create diverse and flexible working styles in companies targeting small and medium-sized enterprises and citizens in the city.
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Phone: 045-671-2341
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Fax: 045-664-9188
E-Mail address ke-koyo@city.yokohama.lg.jp
Page ID: 369-515-651