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Asahi Ward x SDGs Twitter campaign "SDGs together this winter!"

Last updated on October 25, 2021.

Press release materials

October 25, 2021

Asahi Ward Ward Administration Promotion Division

Hitoshi Kamata

TEL: 045-954-6025

Fax: 045-951-3401

 In order to make the SDGs feel closer, we will implement the Asahi Ward x SDGs Twitter Campaign.
 By all means, please attach the hashtag "# Asahi Ward SDGs" and tweet "SDGs initiatives that you can get close to."
 Also, why don't you search for "# Asahi Ward SDGs" and start with familiar things by referring to what everyone is working on?

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Inquiries to this page

Asahi Ward Ward Administration Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section

Phone: 045-954-6027

Phone: 045-954-6027

Fax: 045-951-3401

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 108-747-237


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