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We have formulated the Tsurumi Ward Multicultural Symbiosis Basic Guidelines!

Last updated on May 21, 2024.

Press release materials

May 21, 2024

Tsurumi Ward Ward Administration Promotion Division

Hiromi Fujita

TEL: 045-510-1675

Fax: 045-504-7102

In 2008, Tsurumi Ward formulated the Action Plan for Promoting Multicultural Symbiosis in Tsurumi Ward, and has been promoting the development of a city that is easy for everyone to live through exchanges and activities across nationalities while understanding and respecting each other's cultures.

Fifteen years have passed since the action plan was formulated, and the number of foreigners is increasing and the nationality is diversifying. The Tsurumi Ward Basic Guidelines for Multicultural Symbiosis have been formulated.

Based on these guidelines, Tsurumi Ward will continue to promote measures to further develop a multicultural society in cooperation with local communities, businesses and organizations.

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