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  6. [Application has been closed] General Affairs Bureau Recruitment of fiscal year appointment staff (employment support counselor for persons with disabilities (job coach) [adopted in October 2024])

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[Application has been closed] General Affairs Bureau Recruitment of fiscal year appointment staff (employment support counselor for persons with disabilities (job coach) [adopted in October 2024])

Employment support counselors for persons with disabilities (job coaches) who provide workplace retention support and consultation for staff (intellectual, mental, and physically handicapped) for the fiscal year of persons with disabilities, consolidate and coordinate their duties, and provide continuous business support. Recruit as appointment staff.

Last updated on June 14, 2024.

1 Business description

(1) Duties
 Oh, workplace establishment support, consultation, visit of staff appointed for the employment year of Motoichi person with a disability employment fiscal year appointment
 (I) Aggregation and coordination of duties in charge of the appointment staff for the employment fiscal year for persons with disabilities in Motoichi and business support
 (C) Other services related to employment support for staff with disabilities
  ※In addition, disaster response work in the event of a large-scale disaster (basically auxiliary work, only working hours)
(2) Eligibility
 Oh, person who has work experience in job coach of person with a disability or employment support of person with a disability in company or social welfare corporation
 B. Person who can perform basic PC operation (Word, Excel, etc.)
 ※ It is still acceptable if you have specialized qualifications or have completed training for workplace adaptation supporters.
(3) Number of applicants

(4) Working conditions and compensation
   Appointment period: From October 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025
    ※If the results of the proof of competence are good, it may be re-appointed up to four times in a row, regardless of open call for participants.
   Working hours, etc.: From 8:45 to 17:15 ※One hour determined by the manager during working hours is a break time.

   Working days: Work four days a week, excluding holidays specified by the head of the department
   ※Excludes weekly Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and New Year's holidays (December 29-January 3).

   Work location: Yokohama City Hall or ward office
   ※We may go around each workplace in the city to support workplace retention.

   Salary: ¥203,400 per month
   ※This is the estimated amount as of June 2024. The amount is subject to change due to the revision of the system.
    In addition, commuting expenses and end-of-term and diligence allowances are provided.

    Holiday: Annual leave, etc.

Social insurance: There are employee health insurance, Employees' Pension Insurance and employment insurance.

Other working conditions are based on related regulations such as the regulations about salary and expense compensation of staff appointed in Yokohama-shi fiscal year. 

2 How to apply

(1) Application documents
   Application Form (Designated Style)
   ※ Please download the documents from the link below.

(2) Application period
   From Monday, June 3, 1996 to Thursday, June 13, 1996 Postmark valid

(3) How to apply
   Please mail the documents to the following address by registered mail.
   〒231-0005 6-50-10 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City of Yokohama, General Affairs Bureau Human Resources Division

(4) Selection method and selection schedule   
   Primary selection: Document review
   (The selection results will be sent out on Tuesday, June 25)
   Secondary selection: Interview
   (Scheduled to be held on Thursday, July 4. Selection results will be sent out on Thursday, July 25.
   ※The results of the selection will be notified by mail to all members regardless of pass or fail.
 (5) Determination of successful applicants
  Oh, the passers of the first selection will be determined based on the results of the first selection (document screening).
  B. Those who have passed the second selection will be determined based on the results of the first selection (document screening) and the results of the second selection (interview).   

 (6) physical checkup
   Successful applicants will visit physical checkup in early September.
 (7) Others
  ・ If it becomes clear that the items described in the application form are incorrect, the pass will be canceled.
  ・ Please note that the submitted documents will not be returned.
  ・ Regarding the personal information collected by the city at the time of this selection, we will not use it for any purpose other than office work related to recruitment selection and recruitment. However, the personal information of the recruiter will be used as personnel information.

3 Recruitment Information, etc.

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Inquiries to this page

Personnel Division, Human Resources Department, General Affairs Bureau

Phone: 045-671-2173

Phone: 045-671-2173

Fax: 045-662-7712

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 494-965-183


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