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  6. Yokohama-shi person with a disability achievement promotion plan

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Yokohama-shi person with a disability achievement promotion plan

Last updated on January 15, 2025.

Purpose of Yokohama-shi person with a disability achievement promotion plan

 In June 2019, there was a revision of the "Law Concerning the Promotion of Employment of Persons with Disabilities", and plans for efforts to promote the active participation of staff with disabilities in the professional life of staff with disabilities at national and local governments (Activity Promotion Plan) was required.
 In response to this, we formulated the "Yokohama City Disabled Persons Active Promotion Plan" in April 2022, but after 2024, it was decided that the statutory employment rate would gradually increase, and in the country, March 2023 With a part of the Basic Policy on Employment Measures for Persons with Disabilities being revised in March, we will revise the "Yokohama City Disabled Persons Activity Promotion Plan" based on the purpose of the revision.

Yokohama-shi person with a disability achievement promotion plan

Yokohama-shi person with a disability achievement promotion plan implementation situation

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