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  7. [Application has been closed] [Urban Development Bureau] Recruitment of fiscal year appointment staff (Minato Mirai, Toshin Nagawa coastal area promotion section civil engineering assistance duties) (adopted on April 1, 2025)

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[Application has been closed] [Urban Development Bureau] Recruitment of fiscal year appointment staff (Minato Mirai, Toshin Nagawa coastal area promotion section civil engineering assistance duties) (adopted on April 1, 2025)

Urban Development Bureau Minatomirai, Toshin Nagawa Coastal Promotion Division is recruiting staff (daily job) for the fiscal year engaged in civil engineering assistance.

Last updated on February 20, 2025.

Recruitment information for fiscal year appointment staff (Minato Mirai / Toshin Nagawa coastal area promotion section civil engineering assistance business)

1.Duties, application requirements, working conditions

Duties, application requirements, working conditions, etc.
Job type

Civil engineering assistance


1 person


[Overview of this section] Facility maintenance and maintenance of Yokohama Station, Kannai, Minatomirai, Higashikanagawa, and design and construction of accompanying city orders, etc.
[Contents of work in charge] Design, estimation, inspection, construction supervision, etc. of public works

Application requirements

(1)Have extensive experience in public construction and have experience in site supervision.
(2)Being able to perform basic operations (input, search, simple work in Word, Excel, etc.) on a personal computer
(3)Being able to respond to telephone calls
(4)Do not fall under the grounds for disqualification regarding recruitment stipulated in Article 16, etc. of the Local Public Service Act
<Reason for disqualification>
・A person who is sentenced to imprisonment or higher and until the end of the execution or no longer receives the execution.
・A person who has been dismissed as a Yokohama City employee and has not passed two years from the date of the disposition.
・In the position of a member of the Personnel Committee or the Equity Committee, he committed a crime prescribed in Chapter 5 of the Local Public Service Act and was sentenced to imprisonment.
A person who has been treated
・Destroying the Constitution of Japan or the government established under it by violence after the date of enforcement of the Constitution of Japan
A person who has formed or joined a political party or other organization that claims

・A person who is to be based on the previous example pursuant to the provisions of Article 3, Paragraph 3 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act Revision of Part of the Civil Code (Act No. 149 of 1999)
Working days

Working 3 days a week (consultation on days of the week)
※Excludes closed days such as Saturday, Sunday, national holidays, and New Year's holidays

Working hours

From 10:00 to 16:30 (break time is 1 hour specified by the director during work)

Work location Urban Development Bureau Minatomirai Toshin Nagawa Coastal Promotion Section (6-50-10 Honmachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama City Hall, 29th floor)
Employment period

April 1, 2015-March 31, 2018


・Daily amount: 7,568 yen (hourly wage: 1,376 yen x 5 hours and 30 minutes)
・A term-end allowance, diligence allowance, and commuting fee (with an upper limit) will be paid separately.
※The amount is subject to change due to the revision of the system.

Identity Fiscal year appointment staff specified in Article 22-2, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the Local Public Service Act
Vacation Annual leave, sick leave, condemnation leave, etc.
Social insurance

No subscription
※Depending on the circumstances of concurrent positions, you may be eligible for participation in employee health insurance, etc.

Others Other working conditions are based on related regulations such as the regulations about salary and expense compensation of staff appointed in Yokohama-shi fiscal year.

2.How to apply ※Application has been closed

How to apply: Please prepare the following documents and mail them. It will not be returned for any reason.
Documents to be submitted

・Fiscal Year Appointment Staff Application Form and Resume (Designated Form): Please download and create it from the bottom of this page.
・Reply envelope (for notification of selection results): Write the postal code, Address and name of the examinee on the front side and attach a 110 yen stamp.

Application deadline

Must arrive at 17:15 on Thursday, February 20, 2025: Application documents have been closed.

Submission address

City of Yokohama, Urban Development Bureau Minatomirai Toshin Nagawa Coastal Promotion Division
6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
29th floor of Yokohama City Hall
City of Yokohama, Urban Development Bureau Minatomirai, Toshin Nagawa Coastal Promotion Division, “Fiscal Year Appointment Staff”
※We will accept it by mail. Please mail by "registered mail" to prevent postal accidents.
In addition, we will not be able to respond to inquiries about whether it has been received.
※Only the application deadline can be submitted by bringing. Reception is from 8:45 to 17:15. Enter the automatic door on the north side (blue) of the 29th floor of Yokohama City Hall and come to the second window.

Precautions for filling out the documents to be submitted

・Fill out the form carefully using handwritten (black ballpoint pen) or Microsoft Word.
・Please specify the job details in the work history column of the application form (eg, site supervision of XX construction in XX district, design / estimation of XX construction, etc.).
・If a false statement is found in the submitted documents, the pass may be canceled.

3.Selection method

Selection method

[Primary Selection] Selection of documents by application form
[Secondary Selection] Interview

Notification of primary selection results We send by mail between Tuesday, February 25, 2025 and Friday, February 28. In addition, those who have passed the primary screening will be contacted separately by telephone during the same period.

Date and time of interview

Yokohama City Hall (6-50-10 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama)
Scheduled to be held between the end of February and the beginning of March 2025

Notice of Secondary Selection Results

Regardless of pass / fail, mail will be sent by mid-March 2025. In addition, applicants will be notified by telephone.

4.Application Guidelines and Application Documents


City of Yokohama, Urban Development Bureau Minatomirai Toshin Nagawa Coastal Promotion Division
Appointment of Fiscal Year Appointment Staff: Iwamatsu and Shimomura
Phone: 045-671-2038

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Inquiries to this page

Urban Development Bureau Central Revitalization Promotion Department Minatomirai and Toshin Nagawa Coastal Promotion Division

Phone: 045-671-2038

Phone: 045-671-2038

Fax: 045-651-3164

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 454-053-414


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