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GREEN x EXPO 2027 Initiatives Two Years Ago

Last updated on March 21, 2025.

Initiatives two years before the event

Design two years ago
Designed two years ago!

GREEN x EXPO 2027 (2027 International Horticultural Expo) will be held two years ago on March 19, 2024.
Taking this opportunity, we will color the city of Yokohama with new designs limited to two years before the event, and foster further momentum for "GREEN x EXPO 2027".
If you are near you, please take a look!

[Press Release] 2 years until "GREEN x EXPO 2027" is held! We will color the city of Yokohama and increase the sense of expectation for the event (PDF: 408KB)

Decoration in the city (example)

Body advertisement
Municipal Subway Blue Line Green Line Body Advertising

In-vehicle advertising
Advertising on the Sotetsu Line, Municipal Subway Blue Line Green Line, JR Keihin Tohoku, Negishi Line, Tokyu Line, Keikyu Line, Seaside Line

Advertisement in Bashamichi Station Station

Shin-Yokohama Station
Posting advertisements at Shin-Yokohama Station

Seya Station
Advertisement at Seya Station

Yokohama Station
Posting advertisements at Yokohama Station

A ceremony was held at the City Hall two years ago.

On Wednesday, March 19, two years before the event, a ceremony was held at two venues in Tokyo and Yokohama to foster momentum.
At the Yokohama venue (atrium on the 1st floor of the City Hall), a part of the announcement of the Tokyo venue will be broadcast via broadcast, and the latest information on GREEN x EXPO 2027 will be explained and explained.
We introduced official goods and took group photos with the visitors.

2 years ago event
March 19 Two Years Ago Event

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Decarbonization / GREEN × EXPO Promotion Bureau GREEN × EXPO Promotion Department GREEN × EXPO Promotion Department GREEN × EXPO Promotion Section

Phone: 045-671-4627

Phone: 045-671-4627

Fax: 045-212-1223

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