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  5. GREEN×EXPO 2027
  6. Held GREEN x EXPO 2027 (2027 International Horticultural Expo)

Last updated on September 17, 2024.

The text is from here.

Held GREEN x EXPO 2027 (2027 International Horticultural Expo)

In 2027, GREEN x EXPO 2027 will be held at the former Kamiseya Communication Facility in Yokohama.

The main theme is “The Landscape of Tomorrow to Create Happiness”

 We share the time, space, and value unique to Yokohama and Kamiseya with the world, such as the blooming flowers and dark greenery, the harvest of agriculture and the richness of food, and the various exchanges of people.

About Yokohama holding of GREEN × EXPO 2027

 GREEN x EXPO 2027 is held with the aim of promoting international horticultural culture, living full of flowers and greenery, creating communities and economies, and contributing to solving social issues.
 In Yokohama, there are citizenship that supports flowers, greenery and the activities of companies and organizations, and as many as 6 million people visited the "National Urban Greenery Yokohama Fair" in 2017. It is also a stage suitable for entertaining people all over the world as an international port opening city.
 At the former Kami Seya Communication Facility, the International Horticultural Exposition (A1) full of life and future seeds, with flowers and greenery as symbols, will promote the development of the base site and contribute to the creation of a sustainable environment and the revitalization of a new economy. In addition, it will impress children around the world and lead to creative proposals and messages of friendship and peace from Yokohama for tomorrow.
Public Interest Incorporated Association 2027 International Horticultural Expo Association (external site)
International Horticultural Expo Study Group (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) (outside site)
2027 Yokohama International Horticultural Expo (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) (outside site)

About the International Horticultural Exposition (A1)

 The International Horticultural Exposition of A1 (highest class) is an international exposition held with the approval of the International Horticultural Association (AIPH) and the certification of the International Secretariat of the Expo (BIE). In Japan, the International Flower and Green Exposition (Flower Expo) was held in Osaka in 1990 as the first international horticultural exposition in Asia.
 GREEN x EXPO 2027 will also be held at A1 (highest class) the same as the Flower Expo.
 About the International Horticultural Exposition

Outline of the event

Wide-area map of the former Kamiseya communication facility.

 The former Kamiseya Communication Facility is a flat land located in the northwestern part of Yokohama City (Seya Ward, Asahi Ward). It has been provided to the US military for many years, but was returned in June 2015. We are promoting new town development through the promotion of agriculture and urban land use, and have great potential as a revitalization base in the suburbs.

[Period] From Friday, March 19, 2027 to Sunday, September 26, 2027 about six months
[Exposition Area] Approx. 100ha (including 80ha in the venue area)
[Number of participants] 15 million people (including various forms of participation, such as the use of ICT and regional cooperation)
           (more than 10 million paid visitors)
[Executive entity] 2027 International Horticultural Exposition Association
[Expenses]   Venue construction costs 32 billion yen (paid by the national, local and private sectors)
       Operating expenses ¥36.0 billion (entrance fee, goodwill interest, etc.)
       ※2027 International Horticultural Exposition Association
        Excerpt from "2027 International Horticultural Exposition Basic Plan" (outside site) (January 2023)

What's New

Activity Report

▼Major progress so far
Period Major progress so far
June, 2015 Former Kamiseya Communication Facility was returned from U.S. military
October, 2016 In the “Suggestions and Requests for National System and Budget”, the government requested “Support and Cooperation for Consideration of International Horticultural Expositions at Former Kami-Seya Communication Facility”.
April, 2017 Enforcement of the "Regulations of the Committee on the Invitation of the International Horticultural Exposition at the Former Kamiseya Communication Facility"
June-November 2017 Held the 1st to 5th International Horticultural Expo Invitation Committee at Former Kamiseya Communication Facility
November, 2017 Summary of basic concept (draft)
December, 2017 Held a briefing session on the basic concept (draft)

From December 2017

January, 2018
Opinion offer for basic design (draft) (from December 20, 2017 to January 19, 2018)
February, 2018 Held the 6th Committee on the invitation of the International Horticultural Exposition at the Former Kamiseya Communication Facility
The Review Committee reported to Yokohama City the "Basic Concept of the International Horticultural Exposition at the Former Kami Seya Communication Facility"
March, 2018 Formulated "Basic Plan for International Horticultural Expositions at Former Kamiseya Communication Facility"
June, 2018 In the “Suggestions and Requests for National System and Budget”, “Requests for Holding an International Horticultural Exposition at Former Kami-Seya Communication Facility” was implemented to the government.
April, 2019 Established the International Horticultural Exposition Promotion Office in Policy Bureau, Yokohama
May, 2019 Established the International Horticultural Expo Yokohama Attraction Promotion Council
July, 2019 Accepted inspections of the International Horticultural Association (AIPH)
September, 2019 Apply for the International Horticultural Association (AIPH) as Yokohama City to hold the 2027 International Horticultural Expo and obtain approval.
April, 2020 Established the Kamiseya Development and International Horticultural Exposition Promotion Office in City of Yokohama, Urban Development Bureau
November, 2020 Established the 2027 International Horticultural Expo Promotion Committee
June, 2021 Government approved by the Cabinet "Application for Holding the 2027 International Horticultural Expo"
November, 2021 Established the 2027 International Horticultural Exposition Association (hereinafter referred to as the "Exposition Association").
March, 2022 Enforcement of the Act on Special Measures Required for Preparation and Operation of the International Horticultural Exposition to be held in 2027
April, 2022 Based on this law, the Exposition Association designates the venue as the organizer.
June, 2022 The government submits an application for certification to the International Office of Expositions (BIE).
July-August 2019

The Expo Association published the “2027 International Horticultural Exposition Basic Plan” and solicited opinions.

November, 2022 Accredited as an international exposition based on international treaties at the General Assembly of the International Secretariat of the Exposition (BIE).
December, 2022 The Expo Association is certified as a public interest incorporated association.
January, 2023 The Expo Association published the 2027 International Horticultural Expo Basic Plan.
August, 2023 At the Ministerial Meeting on the International Horticultural Expo 2027, "Basic Policy for Promoting Measures for Preparing and Operation of the 2027 International Horticultural Expo (GREEN x EXPO 2027)" and "2027 International Horticultural Expo (GREEN x EXPO 2027) Related Business Plan "was decided.

Press release










About the International Horticultural Expo Yokohama holding promotion meeting

 In order to invite the International Horticultural Exposition to Yokohama in May 2019, the International Horticultural Exposition Yokohama Horticultural Exposition Promotion Council, which was established with the cooperation of administrative agencies, business circles, various organizations, etc., to prepare for the establishment of the International Horticultural Exposition Yokohama Invitation Promotion Council, established in March 2022 with the aim of fostering an international Horticultural Exposition. 20.

 ▼Main progress so far (International Horticultural Expo Yokohama Attraction Promotion Council)

Past bidding and contract information

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